Absolutely delicious. — 5 years ago
This is, to Corsair’s knowledge, the first ever whiskey derived from quinoa – although a handful of additional distillers have followed suit. In actuality, it tastes like, well, quinoa – capturing the grain’s earthy flavors and a certain grassy dryness, like some pastoral windblown field. Not surprising to this San Franciscan, the quinoa whiskey reportedly sells well in California. — 7 years ago
I liked how it felt in my mouth, it was wine but it was like strong alcohol, at the same time I could taste the fruitiness (plums and other dark fruits) with a hint of chocolate and earthy smokiness. Sweet without that being the main point, — 4 years ago
Sitting on the soft, grassy hillside of a beautiful Tuscan Villa, looking out over the peaceful rolling hills, bathed in sunshine. As you take in this magestic pastoral scene, a stranger appears.... he's wearing a baseball cap and listening to an iPod.... Must be an American. But, strangely.... This adds to the experience. — 7 years ago
With Becky at bar pastoral on the way to laugh factory 6/2019 — 6 years ago
Austen S
Oh my. My first red in France. Taste of old oak. Vanilla creamy and a little pastoral almost like peanut shell — 3 years ago