Sato Farm

Sato Farm

La Ferme de Sato Sur Les Nuages Pinot Noir 2020


Delicious with shark shims — 8 months ago

Andrew liked this


Central Otago Pinot Gris 2015

Went well with chicken, rice and a slow poached egg — 3 years ago

Michael, Severn and 2 others liked this


Northburn Central Otago Pinot Noir 2014

Single yard. Single mind. To make dreams come true. — 7 years ago


L'insolite Central Otago Pinot Noir 2009

Brent Mayeaux

Damn. So good. OG l'insolite. First vintage of this whole cluster goodness. I thought a more mature new world Pinot. — 9 years ago

Daishichi Sake Brewery

Raden Kimoto Junmai Ginjo 2011

Daishichi Raden 2011 Kimoto Junmai Ginjo. Would not have guessed it’s been aged for 12 years and then realistically aged another 2 years before I got it. Rich, soft, bordering on sweet. I would say it matches the other Kimoto styles I’ve had with great flavor and stronger rice flavors for me. I’d assume the lack of acid is due to the age than the style. 2011 vintage with 12 years of aging. Sake Meter Value:
Alcohol : 15%
Acidity : 1.5
Rice Variety : Gohyakumangoku
Rice polishing ratio 58% (super flat polished rice)
Yeast type Daishichi Yeast
Ingredients/raw materials Rice (domestic)/Rice malt (domestic)
Toji(Brew Master) Takanobu Sato (Nambu chief brewer/modern master craftsman)
— 9 months ago

Bob, Severn and 2 others liked this


Sato Amrita

It is called Bangmakok and it is a Thai rice wine. Nothing like the Japanese sake but this slightly barrel fermented rice wine tastes like a white port more than anything. It is a truly interesting rice wine to try. Bo lan has a unique selections of drinks. — 6 years ago

P, Jeffrey and 3 others liked this

Yoikigen Co. Ltd

Gin no Sato Junmai Ginjo

Yoikigen junmaiginjo. Umakuchi — 8 years ago

Yuri and Ichiro liked this

Sato no Homare

Junmai Ginjo Sake

Lana V

Rintaro tasting aug 2023 — 2 years ago


L'atypique Central Otago Pinot Gris 2013

Воск, чайная роза, земляника, розовая черешня, сушёный апельсин, заветренный мёд, печёное яблоко с корицей, разбавленная заварка, клюква, калина, лаковая коробочка. Насыщенный янтарный цвет, обильный осадок. Среднее тело с активной кислотностью и мелкодисперсными танинами. Естественно и чисто в рамках стиля; одновременно окислено и свежо. Оксидативный тон заметен при сильном охлаждении; при нагревании и аэрации вино заметно прибавляет, обретает глубину. Пьётся как легкое, тонкое красное. — 7 years ago

with Rin
Rin, Serge and 7 others liked this
Alexander Reshetilov

Alexander Reshetilov

Звучит классно!
Alexander Reshetilov

Alexander Reshetilov

Звучит классно!
Riddley Walker

Riddley Walker

Да, хорошо зашло, хоть и 14,5% 🙄