

Four Soil Melange Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2019

First bottle of Kevin’s wine club from dad. It had that classic cab note that I can never quite name. Maybe that’s just tannins lol. Makes me think of grape skins? We should have decanted. Second glass was better. But both very good! Oaky. Dried prune. I want to say boysenberry though I’ve never had one. — 3 months ago


Kidd Ranch Zinfandel 2011

Home fruit, packs a punch of pure Kidd Ranch Zin terroir, nice job Paul! — 9 years ago


Riverwash Zinfandel

Barnyard funk blew off with the decant. Blueberry and pepper on the nose.Lush, ripe red fruit pie. Juicy with firm tannins. Loved it! — 7 years ago

Chad Anderson
with Chad
Shawn, Eric and 19 others liked this

Eric Premium Badge

Nice note !
Bill Bender

Bill Bender Influencer Badge Premium Badge

The bassist in Barnyard Funk is awesome

Merry Edwards

Russian River Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2014

2007 Sequum Saramento Pinot (by James MacPhail) and a brand new version of Merry Edwards' fine Sauvignon Blanc made for a lovely evening at Baltimore's Aromes restaurant in the Hampden neighborhood. — 8 years ago


Kidd Ranch Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2009

Possibly the best representation of Cabernet Sauvignon that I have ever experienced from Napa Valley. — 9 years ago