Deep garnet hue showing very well. Bouquet springs forward with bing cherries and elegant structure. Red fruits wrapped in delicate but prominent earthy and smoky hints. And it keeps going! The finish is long with anise notes coming to life then ending in a classic old world balance. This one might be peaking for many years. Excellent framed acidity. — 8 years ago
Beautiful - soft compared to normal — 3 years ago
I'll preface my comment with noting I am not a petite sirah drinker when it is the dominant grape (usually too overpowering on its own). While this is also the deep deep purple typical of petite Sirah, it had a much lighter mouthfeel than expected and tannins were resolved. Almost silky. So kudos on this effort. — 8 years ago
A lighter presentation without being aggressively jammy. Still presenting good fruit development and great texture. — 7 years ago
David Walser
Tasted great! Peter Phelps does a great job with the family fruit. Need to schedule another visit. — 4 days ago