Like eating a grapefruit with peel on! So tannic. V yum. — 5 years ago
Clare & Brian, you've done it again! While I thought Sunnyside was my favorite, this just might be in the running. Elegant, richness of fruit with interesting sauciness! — 10 years ago
As good as it gets in Oregon PN. Lots of bright r fruit, spice ant the finish goes on and on. Just a great, enjoyable wine. — 7 years ago
Our first Jan-Marc wine and it was spectacular! Very complex with a smooth finish. — 8 years ago
Austin Hohnke
A “gemischter satz” style field blend of Pinot Auxerrois (46%), Riesling (38%), and Gewurtztraminer (16%). This Austrian/Alsatian inspired blend is aromatic and alpine in character with notes of flinty white peach and salty petrichor. Perhaps a little VA? A neat wine, if not a bit overpriced at $30. — 3 years ago