Lovely sparkler. Fresh — 9 years ago
Maison Sota — 2 years ago
Delightful skin contact, full and chewy, aromatic, label made by local artists. — 9 years ago
The best wine I’ve ever had !! Loved it. Wow — 4 years ago
Nose: petro, diesel, rubber, old oak barrels. Taste: petro, strong oak, then it's fresh peach, fresh apricots, classic great aged Reisling, dry sherry. Let it sit, and decant, gets better and more fruit. WILD STUFF! (Brought back home from Manfreds in Copenhagen) Enjoyed with Aimee, Javaid, Tim — 7 years ago
Macchia mediterranea, freschezza, sapidità...e che bella lunghezza in bocca! Viva il Pigato di Selvadolce! #vino #enocratia #distribuzione — 11 years ago
Emily Akers
We loved this - described as a bio wine we were scared - and it was much lighter bodied than I would normally go for (and almost brown in colour) but for what it lacked in body and tannin it made up for in flavour - delicious, drinkable, highly recommend (drank at Ahimé restaurant, Bologna) — a year ago