Juicy with a bright bite — 3 years ago
The bubbles are small and absolutely refreshing. Peaches, agua fresca. Highly recommended for summer. — 5 years ago
Rosso come il sangue, vivo e incalzante come la passione , non ruffiano di certo. Tenta più assaggi, Mon Cheri , mora , sottobosco,fungo secco, finisce con una bella sensazione di bocca fresca mentholata e un tocco amarognolo di radice di liquirizia. Nel fiore del suo percorso si coglie tutta la forza , ma si può ancora attendere. — 11 years ago
Very good, tiny bubbles, acid balanced with creaminess makes for a soft body, notes of lemon. — 4 years ago
Sweet Dried plum — 7 years ago
Potente, vivido. Affumicato, lampone e arancio, profumi neri, minerale gessoso e un pizzico di pepe bianco. intenso in bocca con bacche rosse e nere e sapori di pane imburrato con un tocco di amaro — 9 years ago
Ceccherini Cristiano
This wine i brought it as a back up plan at the Mt.Pollino district tasting, but i didn't need to pour it.
I opened it afterwards at home and perhaps it showed a little less well than the three i had selected primarily for the evening.
Its a big wine, Magliocco grape 100%, which is the most grown vine on the Mt.Pollino district especially on the Calabrian side.
First you feel the oak, the wine rested 2 years in a big barrel. Eventually there is more and the oak component fades away too. Big dark plumpy fruit, quite earthy, chocolate, touch of licorice and balsamic and reasonably long too.
The initial oak puts me off a bit, but this is a traditional wine here that has always been a bit like this. I find that this would sell quite well on a Oz old style table competing with the so beloved( to the them) oaky reds where you can hardly feel the fruit, but at least here the scenario develops and it does unfold other parts to enjoy.
That's obviously just my personal opinion.
Still i feel this is a wine that can still travel in time thanks to his balance and freshness. I wanna review it again in a few years or perhaps i might look for older vintages. — 3 years ago