Very nice 😊 — 3 years ago
Delish! : ) — 5 years ago
Love the acidity, wish it has a little more body, very mineraly — 5 years ago
Opened a great wine at the wrong time. Clocking at 35yo, like a wise grandpa it has wisdom to share but only talks when it’s quiet. Right after opening it has a mix of ripe, evolved pyrazines but with an hour or so the black olives are there in your face like in cote rotie, with a touch of their brine but without the VA you would expect. dried black fruit makes an appearance, even a medium bodied texture (!!!) which already isn’t Chinon’s strength and fine tannins still with some good grip, leading to a bright lingering acidity. Of course it can’t stay too long in the glass as the age shows some fragility. Still, it delivers — 6 months ago
Already very balanced although still young. Association of Power and Finesse The fruit is still marked with well-melted light notes of oak. Deep concentrated notes of smoked ham, primary peppery and violette notes. Classic style. Beautiful gourmandise that will gain in wisdom with several years of cellar. 😋
Déjà très équilibré bien qu’encore jeune. Association de la puissance à la finesse. Le fruit est encore marqué soutenu par des notes d’élevages déjà bien fondues. Notes concentrée lardées fumées, notes primaires poivrées. Style classique. Belle gourmandise qui gagnera en sagesse avec plusieurs années de cave. — 4 years ago
Good as ever! — 5 years ago
Smooth cab franc, no nose, dry brambleberry taste, medium body, light dry finish — 2 years ago
Anisha had this 3 years ago
Two perspectives: first vibrancy and youth, then wisdom from age. Begins optimistic - bright red berries and minerals with interesting inflections - iron rich beef liver, seared in butter, wild Maine blueberry reduction.
Then darker, concentrated, experienced advice. Dried wrinkly fruits - raisins, prunes, dates. Like Amarone.
They come together to tell a good story from both sides. — 4 years ago
Ron from VA
Delicious - full flavor featuring tropical fruits, like mango and papaya with a mouthfeel that can handle any amount of heat. Masterful control over acid with the balance of the right amount of RS — 5 months ago