

Junmai Sake

Smooth. Could be a bit drier/crisper. — 2 months ago

Yaegaki Sake & Spirits Inc.

Yaegaki Sake Dry

Not the one but not bad. Definitely drinkable — 11 years ago


Mu Sake Jun-Mai-Daiginjyo Rice

Barest hints of soft wintergreen, light eucalyptus, and menthol. Very clean and polished. — 2 years ago

Yaegaki Sake & Spirits Inc.

Nigori Sake

Af Mashiko (aka Sushi Whore) in West Seattle — 12 years ago

Yaegaki Sake & Spirits Inc.

Mu Nothingness Junmai Daiginjo Sake

It’s me again, still lovin’ it — 5 years ago

Bryan, P and 7 others liked this


Nigori Rice Sake

Our daughter and son-inlaw treated us to dinner at a great sushi place the other night and ordered a bottle of Yaegaki Nigori Sake. You can't really use grape wine words to describe it. I'll just say it's mellow smoothness and higher alcohol content made this a delightful complement to our sushi dinner. — 11 years ago