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Light peach with pineapple longings, cut red apple, and cobbler softness from my nose in the can-hole. Spritzy peach and kiwi palate that is decidedly non-complex. Save this for hot and humid summer days. Sour fans might see just a medical sliver of ginger in the mix, maybe lime and little else. Depends on your prerequisites, but just a little light for a sour. #sourbeer#beer#sorale#99problemsbutpeachaintone#tgeLarimer#peach#peaches#denver#coloradobeer — 7 years ago
David Kline
Light peach with pineapple longings, cut red apple, and cobbler softness from my nose in the can-hole. Spritzy peach and kiwi palate that is decidedly non-complex. Save this for hot and humid summer days. Sour fans might see just a medical sliver of ginger in the mix, maybe lime and little else. Depends on your prerequisites, but just a little light for a sour. #sourbeer #beer #sorale #99problemsbutpeachaintone #tgeLarimer #peach #peaches #denver #coloradobeer — 7 years ago