Light peach with pineapple longings, cut red apple, and cobbler softness from my nose in the can-hole. Spritzy peach and kiwi palate that is decidedly non-complex. Save this for hot and humid summer days. Sour fans might see just a medical sliver of ginger in the mix, maybe lime and little else. Depends on your prerequisites, but just a little light for a sour. #sourbeer #beer #sorale #99problemsbutpeachaintone #tgeLarimer #peach #peaches #denver #coloradobeer — 7 years ago
David Kline
Espresso black with mocha toppings. Unctuous pointillism of zygote fossilization. Carbon paper, licorice, treacle, Turkish coffee, toffee, and a sapling-meets-whiskey, cinnamon, gingerbread, dried fig, and sarsaparilla scented number. (My wife thinks this tastes of cough syrup, but it is just whiskey centric) big, charred whiskey entry with dark caramel and Christmas pudding, that turns to burnt fructose. Awesome depth and breadth! .
#beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza #cerveja #stout #barrelagedbeer #barrelagedstout #oakaged #oakagedstout #imperialstout #oskarblues #oskarbluesbrewing #tenfidy #stovepipetenfidy #oskarbluestenfidy #bourbonbarrelaged #cobeer #coloradobeer — 5 years ago