Motor oil monicker is apt for this black beauty. Big top springs into action in latte tones, and is pulled back to the viscous tar. Tea leaves lacing slide slowly to obscurity. Licorice and chai nose flecked with sparkling candies ginger and an array of mints. Medium heavy mouthfeel lifted by ethereal spices flaunts cardamom, clove, allspice, nutmeg and citrus oils, dark sugar and coffee notes framed by oak and buried vanilla. Sticky finish lingers; pair with ginger snaps. Must be fall.
#hiwire #hiwirebrewing #hiwire10w40 #hiwireimperialstout #chaibeer #abv #stout #imperialstout #ncbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #darkbeer #motoroil #chai #10w40 — 3 years ago
Wow, coffee bean colored head turns lighter cream; from biscotto to sponge texture to satin. Garden of the gods lacing. Espresso, mocha, dark chocolate, burnt brittle, and toffee nose. Rich and complex and focused with deft straddle of bitter and sweet, creamy and dry. Chocolate assumes a caramel droplet, while honey comes to mind with floral notes. Ribbons of Turkish coffee, and plenty of oak and char compete for the remainder. Big, sinewy, chewy and earthy, just wrapped in sumptuous sweets. Awesome! .
#founders #foundersbrewing #foundersimperialstout #imperialstout #stout #russianimperialstout #dankbeer #bigberr #beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza #cerveja — 4 years ago
Antique gold-amber. Triple fat white head of pile stuffing, a sticky, loose leafing reminiscent of stylized cloisonné clouds for lacing. Sweet dankness interswirled with lemon, tangerine and grapefruit notes. But ever earthy with cola highlights on the nose. Nutty and hempy initially; caramel, light coffee, dark pastry, grapefruit oil, peel and zest appear with prominence. Ever flavor on the palate remains for the ride, and it is a long one. Persistence of viscous!
#hiwire #hiwirebrewing #hiwiremosaicipa #mossicipa #mosaichops #ipa # #indiapaleale #dryhopped #centennialhops #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #dank #ncbeer @hiwire_hanna — 3 years ago
Speckled floater nebula of golden light in stasis. Perfect crown of bright ivory flaunts an undulating lacing landscape. Equine. Jalapeño freshness, chive, pear, and ghostly grapefruit. Floral with jasmine, peach blossom, carnation, daisy, and strawberry. Creamy clouds of orange, tangerine, grapefruit creme, vanilla blossom, lemon nougat, almond, lemon soda, quinine, tartaric resonance, lemon-lime alkaseltzer. .
#stone #stonebrewing #stonebrewery #ipa #stoneipa #stonehazyipa #hazy #hazyindiapaleale #hazyipa #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #ale #eldorado #eldoradohops #azzaca #azaccahops #sabro #sabrohops #leavenostoneunturned #hops #amazinglyhazy #ureallyreadthisfar — 3 years ago
Gorgeous amber with orange evokes fine scotch. Tortoise shell lacing materializes. Orange bread and toasted sesame, Marcona almond, plantain and butternut squash pencil in the autumnal details. Poppyseed, toasty malt, allspice, acorn squash bread and a touch of ginger spice. Forgot what a seasonal treat this is!
#ayinger #ayingerprivatbrauerei #oktoberfest #oktoberfestbeer #oktoberfestmärzen #bavarianfestlager #festmärzen #bavarianbier #bier #deutschebier #octoberfest #germanbeer #reinheitsgebot #allemagne #birra #biere #märzen #cerveza #beer #cerveja
— 3 years ago
Lemon curd colored; fluff puff of alpine clouds. Bikinis and bows meet Arabic calligraphy lacing. Lemon freshness entwines with orange, tangerine, Brazil nut, and a dusting of pineapple-grapefruit. Soft cirrus citrus layers drift across the palate in pale orange and yellow lemon cremes as light as foam; dried pineapple, powdered lime, lemon-lime pith, metallic-electric grapefruit that shimmers through the crystalline hop finish of this racy and delicious DDHNEIPA. .
#hiwire #hiwirebrewing #hiwirehazyandjuicyhoppyandfresh #ddh #neipa #ipa #ddhneipa #newenglandipa #doubledryhopped #cashmere #chinook #hops #beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza #cerveja #ncbeer #hazyandjuicyhoppyandfresh @hiwire_hanna — 3 years ago
Straw-golden with hyperactive bubblings and a cottony topper of shocked white. Spooky lacings of hunching spiders with multiple eyes. Clean and crisp aromas of crunchy baked rolls, Marcona almond, baked soy nut, chestnut, and panko bits. Light lemony citrus and pith lift the palate, and soft bread centers round out the back and includes white sesame. Buzzy effervescent yeast singing throughout. @Hiwire_Hanna
#hiwirebrewing #hiwire #hiwirelager #ncbeer #lager #americanlager #germanhops #pilsen #threeringbrewingco #threeringbrewing #beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza #cerveja — 3 years ago
Cider-esque haziness sports spongy fluff with bouncy bubbles, sheet lacing which tears to brains folds, or nut interiors. Lemon-lime and grapefruit gummies explode dangly. Apricots, tangerines, lemongrass and ginger nose. Briny grapefruit with iodized aspects, and shimmery mineral plating. Sweetness imperceptible; glistening acid trails. Clementine peel bite.
#stone #stonebrewing #stoneneverendinghaze #neverendinghaze #hazyipa #hazy #leavenostoneunturned #vegan #ipa #indiapaleale #paleale #beer #bier #biere #birra #ceveza #cerveja #escondido #cabeer #calibeer #sessionipa #sessionbeer
— 3 years ago
Swirly-cloud, pear-from-syrup colored nectar boasting old-newspaper-“white”, frothy mallow-moon icing. Grapefruit candy meets ginger candy at the soft lemon foam; tenderness ensues. Spun sugar pith on sticks, lemon and orange marshmallows away gently in tangerine breezes. A frozen pineapple iceberg floats by, it’s head peeping innocently above the swirly floes. Damn refreshing frozen knife of summer. Stick with it. .
#parrishbrewing #drjuice #labeer #parrishdrjuiceipa #drjuiceipa #ipa #indiapaleale #paleale #ale #broussardla #beer #birra #bier #biere #cerveza #cerveja — 4 years ago
David Kline
Nubby, hoary, and frosty-frothy atop a pear jelly colored beer. Cave croc lacings; ascendant fossils and leaping dolphin. Gloriously seductive nose pulls you in for closer juicings. Clean citrus fruits on stainless steel. Lithe tangerine, lemon and lime zest, grapefruit candy, orange jessamine, Douglas fir, crystalline citrus honey. Floral component carries onto the palate, with a zesty-pith overall creating intensely bright flavors. Dried pineapple, orange, lemon, lime, salty lemon, tartaric textures, buzzy lemon peel finish. Great summery session-y number. .
#lopitchhazyipa #lopitch #hazyipa #hiwirebrewing #ncbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja — 3 years ago