
Ladybird Brewing

Winfield Pale Ale

Fluffy off-white-to-beige head of tortoise plate fluffs recede to lacings of Draco-jabberwock surf-play among seabirds. Semi opaque amber unbudgingly stares out like gelatinous 5w-50 motor oil. Nose of bergamot and lemon, orange, tangerine and caramel drops with espresso notes and light pepper. Unexpectedly bread-y with Hawaiian and soda bread, rye and pumpernickel, finishing tangerine and grapefruit with faint white pepper. Just enough malt to crowd please with a solid beer upbringing. Serious take home to the folks fare.

#ladybirdbrewing #winfieldkansas #paleale #winfieldpaleale #festivalbeer #walnutvalley #thegrove #walnutriverbrewing #ks #ksbeer
β€” 2 years ago

ESF, Severn and 1 other liked this


This review belongs in the Louvre

Toppling Goliath Brewing Company

Pseudo Sue Galaxy Dry Hopped Pale Ale

Thought I already rated this one, but...drinking. A hazy lil number with a fluffy quilt on top sewn from grapefruit pith. Bright, fresh, tangerine and grapefruit nose, with candied grapefruit peel, lime kefir, and zippy lime zest. Smells like summer! Citrus tangy on the palate as well, with ruby grapefruit deconstruction separating peel from pulp and pith, and cosmic zest shimmering like stardust. Quince, lime slices, lemon with a touch of sugar, dried orange, dried mango, white pepper and edible flower or snap pea, green banana turn to clean fruit married to a bitter finish. Really great beer, with acids calling out salivary catalysts, for a mouth coating, lip smacking interplay. This has such an elegant balance, it seems like something squeezed straight out of the jungle. .
#topplinggoliath #topplinggoliathbrewingco #topplinggoliathpseudosue #paleale #beer #bier #birra #cerveza #biere #ale #fieldmuseum #iabeer #decorahia #iowabeer
β€” 5 years ago

Sharon, Severn and 1 other liked this

Burlington Beer Company

Peasant King Double India Pale Ale

Huge grapefruit-tangerine tambourine clanging away at the intakes, with a sweet gasoline note pushed through pirouettes. Light vanilla, ginger, and lemon Madeline. Creamy mouthfeel, with lovely lime, grapefruit pudding, lemon peel, and cedar shavings. #peasantking #vermont #dipa #ipa #paleale #dankbeer β€” 6 years ago

Stone Brewing Co.

Neverending Haze IPA

Cider-esque haziness sports spongy fluff with bouncy bubbles, sheet lacing which tears to brains folds, or nut interiors. Lemon-lime and grapefruit gummies explode dangly. Apricots, tangerines, lemongrass and ginger nose. Briny grapefruit with iodized aspects, and shimmery mineral plating. Sweetness imperceptible; glistening acid trails. Clementine peel bite.
#stone #stonebrewing #stoneneverendinghaze #neverendinghaze #hazyipa #hazy #leavenostoneunturned #vegan #ipa #indiapaleale #paleale #beer #bier #biere #birra #ceveza #cerveja #escondido #cabeer #calibeer #sessionipa #sessionbeer
β€” 3 years ago

Severn, Ron and 1 other liked this

Sixpoint Brewery

Bengali Tiger IPA

Orange amber, orange blossom and orange taste for orange season. White-beige head with vinous lacing. Blood orange, plums, caramel nougat, smells of grapefruit on the grill, lemons too. Belgian malt echoes, nutritional yeast, candied orange, orange zest, marmalade, caramel and carrot bread. Easy drinker, but depth is there, and delightful interplay of sweet and citrus! Really thoughtful ipa. .
#sixpointbrewery #nybeer #brooklynbeer #bengali #sixpointbengali #ipa #indiapaleale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveja #cerveza #paleale #ale
β€” 4 years ago

Eric, Severn and 2 others liked this

Parish Brewing Company

Ghost In The Machine Imperial IPA

Pure, white grapefruit juice color, with whipped-to-peaks egg white top that sticks for sheet lacing of anatomical figure silhouettes. Bright orange, sweet grapefruit and peach blossom scents. Magnolia, jasmine and daisy perfumes. Perfectly balanced mouthfeel delivers grapefruit-creamsicle with bits of lemon peel in a marmalade pudding entry. This beauty turns on lime and juicy grapefruit with a dash of white pepper, lemon oil, tangerine, and an awesome burst of vivacious and near-effervescent lemon tart and grapefruit soda. Ultimately holds true to beer with notes of barley, touch of malt, hop textures, lemongrass and fresh oregano. Really sexy ipa here, might improve with a little bottle rest too! Will revisit, if still available. #parishbrewing #parishbrewingco #ghostinthemachine #ghostinthemachinedipa #Labeer #beer #biere #birra #bier #ale #paleale #dankbeer #indiapaleale #ipa #dipa #doubleipa #broussardla #hops #abv β€” 5 years ago

Severn, Stuart and 3 others liked this

Parish Brewing Company

Dr Juice IPA

Swirly-cloud, pear-from-syrup colored nectar boasting old-newspaper-β€œwhite”, frothy mallow-moon icing. Grapefruit candy meets ginger candy at the soft lemon foam; tenderness ensues. Spun sugar pith on sticks, lemon and orange marshmallows away gently in tangerine breezes. A frozen pineapple iceberg floats by, it’s head peeping innocently above the swirly floes. Damn refreshing frozen knife of summer. Stick with it. .
#parrishbrewing #drjuice #labeer #parrishdrjuiceipa #drjuiceipa #ipa #indiapaleale #paleale #ale #broussardla #beer #birra #bier #biere #cerveza #cerveja
β€” 4 years ago

Sharon, Neil and 1 other liked this

Toppling Goliath Brewing Company

Intergalactic Warrior India Pale Ale

Pineapple, lime, lemon and caramelized banana nose. Stardust-sparkly entrance of zesty lime, crystalline pineapple, and dried apricot, Meyer lemon, touches of coconut oil, sesame and steely snap pea.
#topplinggoliath #topplinggoliathbrewingco #iabeer #topplingoliathintergalacticwarrioripa #ipa #indiapaleale #beer #galactichops #warriorhops #decorahia #ale #paleale
β€” 4 years ago

Severn and Mike liked this

Innis & Gunn

Limited Edition Mangoes On The Run Mango IPA

Pugnacious head puffs it’s billowy chest. Egg white and and foamy, with a tea colored translucence. Wave top lacing. Orange blossom and mango with grapevine and toast smells leads to sweet barley malt and tangerine. The mango is strong in the mouth, but not sweet. Tons of lemon oil, lime peel, and sweet grapefruit from the hops come out, but still it shows restraint (literally the earmark of every beer style these folks make) and balance. It is fruity, but never steers far from the earthy realm of beer. Opening and closing within the canon, and doing so with an ingredient far from its shores. Great work! Great Scot! .
#innisandgunn #mangoesontherun #mangoipa #ipa #beer #bier #biere #birra #craftbrewed #scottishbeer #scotland #indiapaleale #sonofagun #paleale #fruitbeer
β€” 5 years ago

Sharon, Severn and 2 others liked this

Lord Hobo Brewing Company

Glorious Galaxy Pale Ale

Pours opaque and agitated with an instantaneous, snowy flattop. It subsequently flattens to a skim of tiny, loose white bubbles, most hugging the rim. Very bold and tropical nose of pineapple, Meyer lemon and clementine with a bit of lemon bread and glazed carrot thrown in for good measure. Chamomile tea and hemp flour in the middle, as lemongrass ultimately sharpens its otherwise soft edges aromatically. Quartz and metallic mineral textures transform citrus to crystal lemon and grapefruit with a nitric element. Grape leaf, lime and candied basil with green pansy flavors and bitter lime marmalade. #glorious #lordhobo #galaxypaleale #beer #ale #hops #lordhobobrewing #paleale #massachusetts #brew β€” 7 years ago