Cider-esque haziness sports spongy fluff with bouncy bubbles, sheet lacing which tears to brains folds, or nut interiors. Lemon-lime and grapefruit gummies explode dangly. Apricots, tangerines, lemongrass and ginger nose. Briny grapefruit with iodized aspects, and shimmery mineral plating. Sweetness imperceptible; glistening acid trails. Clementine peel bite.
#stone #stonebrewing #stoneneverendinghaze #neverendinghaze #hazyipa #hazy #leavenostoneunturned #vegan #ipa #indiapaleale #paleale #beer #bier #biere #birra #ceveza #cerveja #escondido #cabeer #calibeer #sessionipa #sessionbeer
— 3 years ago
Pale gold haze with white gold accent. Devilish horned sheet lacing reveals head-butt bunnies and robot parts; snow white and merengue. Grapefruit-clementine nose of carrot sweetness and cut yellow beet teases out almond candy, persimmon, kiwi and green banana. Palate is less tropical, with icy citrus and metallic energy, but texturally creamy; candied sage, Indian gum, Mexican wedding cookie flashbacks, white grapefruit, gooseberry, lime pith and white pomegranate seed nodules. Hints at white pepper in orange pith. I like it. Less “juicy” than suggested, but high quality offering worth the rotation. Something to shake a stick at!
#newbelgium #newbelgiumbrewing #voodooranger #voidoorangerjuicyhazyipa #ipa #CObeer #ftcollinsco #indiapaleale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #hazy #hazyipa #juicy #juicyhazy #haze — 4 years ago
State of Brewing hazy IPA.
Rose-colored gold, opaque; melting hexagonal beeswax comb lacing turns levitating knives, woodcut claws and feathers. Orange, tangerine and apricot richness with tropical pineapple and banana leaf. Lime and lemon pith, lemon-lime bottlecap candy, Alka-seltzer, strangely, plantain, and truncated grapefruit. Perhaps lacks the creaminess of the hazy style in an attempt to keep the abv reasonable?
#stateofbrewing #aldibeer #aldiadventcalendar #hazyipa
#ipa #indiapaleale #hazy #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — a year ago
Speckled floater nebula of golden light in stasis. Perfect crown of bright ivory flaunts an undulating lacing landscape. Equine. Jalapeño freshness, chive, pear, and ghostly grapefruit. Floral with jasmine, peach blossom, carnation, daisy, and strawberry. Creamy clouds of orange, tangerine, grapefruit creme, vanilla blossom, lemon nougat, almond, lemon soda, quinine, tartaric resonance, lemon-lime alkaseltzer. .
#stone #stonebrewing #stonebrewery #ipa #stoneipa #stonehazyipa #hazy #hazyindiapaleale #hazyipa #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #ale #eldorado #eldoradohops #azzaca #azaccahops #sabro #sabrohops #leavenostoneunturned #hops #amazinglyhazy #ureallyreadthisfar — 3 years ago
Rosy grapefruit opacity, hi speed blender crowned, textured like a coat of paint. Oily lacing of connect-the-dots. Awesome jungle humidity suggesting banana and pineapple, sweet grapefruit and tangerine, coconut, marigold, candied lemon, honeycomb and jackfruit. Incredible entry of creamy banana and guava, lemon zest, with tiny glimpses of strawberry, cherry and raspberries, a dragonfruit texture, lemongrass sorbet, tangerine pulp, yellow mango, and finally miracle fruit transmogrification to balance the red and white with the vestiges of sweet ginger, tartaric biscuit, and coconut oil. Complex, evasive, evocative, hazy-creamy, razzy, racy and ethereal. One of the best IPAs I have had in 2020! Give these guys a trophy, and no, everyone does not get one!
#tbbc #tampabaybrewing #tampabaybrewingco #hopsiloseries #tbbchopsilo #tbbchopsiloseries #hazy #hazyipa #hazyindiapaleale #ipa #flbeer #flabeer #beer #biere #birra #bier #cerveja #cerveza #collab #calusa #calusabrewing #calisabrewingco #flcollab #flacollab #dankbeer #dank — 4 years ago
Pale gold pour to hazy grapefruit greyhound, with packing foam white head that breaks down like albumen. Slow and slick. Floral notes of jasmine in grapefruit, lemon blossom, candied lemon and limeade. Awesome lemon entry is steely and silvery mineral sensations dancing arm in arm with grapefruit and lemon citrus, artfully subdued. Meyer lemon pith. What a treat for the coastal elite! Love the early eighties motifs. #wickedweed #coastallove #wickedweedcoastallove #hazyipa #hazy #ipa #indiapaleale #hurricanerelief #NCbeer #AshevilleNC #wickedweedbrewing #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #ale — 5 years ago
Apple cider amber with thick day-fog top layer that reduces to snow crystal tam. Mutant duck pond straggling lacing soon becomes window sill insect anatomy graveyard. German beer nose with tinges of orange rinds dried and fresh. Yeasty-haziness gives it green plantain and lightest spearmint marshmallow and artichoke. Damn tasty though, despite its jumble of signals. Jamaican coco bread, rosemary bits, polenta, beer-bitterness that the style usually glosses gives it a nice perspective lemon peel and lime, candied ginger and grapefruit; all low-keyed and harmonious. Lemon bread with poppy. Tasty yeasty baby beastie.
#sixpoint #sixpountstooper #stooper #hazyipa #hazy #ipa #nybeer #brooklynbeer #beerisculture #stoopbeer #citrahops #galaxyhops #hops — 2 years ago
Dark as muddied apricot juice. Slick and unstable head whisking away in oily retreat, with rapid lacings of unraveling ghost smokes turning will-o-the-wisp. Apricot-pineapple with a sweet kerosene note. Bananas and Honeycomb cereal. Lime pith and soursop secondary smells. Plantains dried at medium ripeness, lemon pith, and tangerine threads on the palate. Connecticut tobacco leaf. Chalky lemon. There is such an interesting dichotomy between the malt caramel notes initially, and the overwhelming, cancelling pithy citrus, which obnubilates the former. Kumquat and starfruit combine on the finish with lemon tart candy and grapefruit reduction. .
#breweryommegang #ommegangneonneonrainbows #neonneonrainbows #hazy #ipa #dipa #hazydoubleipa #hazydipa #ommeganghopheritageseries #hopheritageseries #nedipa #newenglanddipa #nybeer #cooperstownbeer #cooperstownny #abv #dankbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja — 4 years ago
Hello opacity! White ash head that looks stable, but drops quick. Sheet lacing that yawns like a cavern complete with stalagmites and ‘tites. Gorgeous nose of honeyed fig, tangerine, Meyer lemon, pink grapefruit, banana-coconut pie and pineapple sorbet. Zippy and lively metallic entry brings grapefruit oil in abundance, lime zest, lemongrass, lemon verbena, chive, starfruit, green mango, key lime, white pepper and ruby grapefruit pulp and pith. Finishes minerally, concentrated and borderline tartaric. #destihl #destihlbrewery #ilbeer #boycottbland #hazy #hazyipa #ipa #dipa #doubleipa #hazydoubleipa #iipa #citrahops #simcoehops #indiapaleale #ale #beer #bier #birra #cerveza #biere #cerveja #gratefuldead #hazeofthedead #destihlhazeofthedead #hazeofthedeaddoubleipa — 4 years ago
David Kline
Plunge. Bustin’ to bubble; browning lemon colored broth of shadowy opacity. Cotton-headed with a blond tinge. Nearly laceless, just afterthoughts sliding slowly over an oily cloth-print. Here a blob there a blob. Orange, lemon, grapefruit, tangerine oils suspended nebulous. Orange-carrot bread, madeleines, green pineapple, jasmine, honeysuckle. Heavenly clouds evoking scented memories amidst the novel eddies of uncharted aggregates. Creamy, oiled mouthfeel drops heavy through the dream to grapefruit, sassafras, white pepper, sage, lemon-lime pith and zest, with a vaporous orange oil swallowed quickly in a wash of coconut and brown bread finish. Salivating and dropping a few degrees in the process.
#sierranevada #tropicallittlething #tropicallittlethingipa #ipa #hazyipa #hazy #chicocalifornia #cabeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 9 months ago