
New Belgium Brewing Company

Voodoo Ranger Juicy Haze IPA

Pale gold haze with white gold accent. Devilish horned sheet lacing reveals head-butt bunnies and robot parts; snow white and merengue. Grapefruit-clementine nose of carrot sweetness and cut yellow beet teases out almond candy, persimmon, kiwi and green banana. Palate is less tropical, with icy citrus and metallic energy, but texturally creamy; candied sage, Indian gum, Mexican wedding cookie flashbacks, white grapefruit, gooseberry, lime pith and white pomegranate seed nodules. Hints at white pepper in orange pith. I like it. Less “juicy” than suggested, but high quality offering worth the rotation. Something to shake a stick at!
#newbelgium #newbelgiumbrewing #voodooranger #voidoorangerjuicyhazyipa #ipa #CObeer #ftcollinsco #indiapaleale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #hazy #hazyipa #juicy #juicyhazy #haze
— 4 years ago

Sharon, Severn and 1 other liked this

(5305bb1be5c5cb8a3a001b98 -> 5305ba92352b69163a003c22) New Belgium Brewing

Voodoo Ranger 1985 IPA

Pineapple-grapefruit look blasts a big-bubbled white puff with even stacking. Igneous lacing formation churns into Pahoihoi. Grapefruit and pineapple match the drapes, with the pineapple turning jell-o with cream topping. Papaya and mango make the rounds, ripely. Clean palate of zesty lemon wrapped around just ripe mango, and a tangerine thing that rounds it to mango texture. Minerally pineapple suggests a weightless and steely finish, but the lime drops the dime to call it home. Good rotation back to white raspberry! #newbelgium #newbelgiumbrewing #voidooranger #ipa #indiapaleale #newbelgiumvoodoorangernineteeneightyfiveipa #voodoorangernineteeneightyfive #newbelgium1985 #1985ipa #beer #bier #biere #birra #rotatingseriesbeer — 5 years ago

Dawn, David and 1 other liked this