
Abomination Brewing Company

Hoof Hearted Brewing Collaboration Little Red Riding Hoof Triple India Pale Ale

Abomination brewing and Hoof Hearted Collab ‘Little Red Riding Hoof’ Triple IPA

Scary good. Thick and opaque gold. Helper shelter lacing. Butterscotch and coffee had a rosemary baby, it turned tropical with baked pineapple and sweet lemon, brown sugar, toffee, and arbor fruit. Strong and mouth-coating. Excellent, and I need more!

#collab #abominationbrewing #hoofheartedbrewing #tripleipa #tipa #ipa #indiapaleale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birea #cerveza
— 3 months ago

Sierra Nevada Brewing Company

Tropical Little Thing Hazy IPA

Plunge. Bustin’ to bubble; browning lemon colored broth of shadowy opacity. Cotton-headed with a blond tinge. Nearly laceless, just afterthoughts sliding slowly over an oily cloth-print. Here a blob there a blob. Orange, lemon, grapefruit, tangerine oils suspended nebulous. Orange-carrot bread, madeleines, green pineapple, jasmine, honeysuckle. Heavenly clouds evoking scented memories amidst the novel eddies of uncharted aggregates. Creamy, oiled mouthfeel drops heavy through the dream to grapefruit, sassafras, white pepper, sage, lemon-lime pith and zest, with a vaporous orange oil swallowed quickly in a wash of coconut and brown bread finish. Salivating and dropping a few degrees in the process.

#sierranevada #tropicallittlething #tropicallittlethingipa #ipa #hazyipa #hazy #chicocalifornia #cabeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 9 months ago

David, Severn and 2 others liked this

State Of Brewing

Dry Hopped IPA

State of Brewing Dry Hopped IPA from Aldi calendar. Wisconsin.
Cloudy antique gold-amber with a ropey head; dinosaur fossil and stylized anatomical organ lacing. Big grapefruit green grape and cut lime bullnoses, bends around to lemon panna cotta and vanilla. Hard citrus palatal entry gets cross checked by broom straw and cyprus wood, leaving lemon cookie dough along mid-tongue, walled by lime pith. Acorn, walnut and underripe pineapple enrich the finish. This ipa is aggressive hoppily, but damn refreshing and endlessly informing in the post game.

#stateofbrewing #aldibeer #aldiadventcalendar #dryhopped #dryhoppedipa #hops #ipa #wisconsinbeer #WIbeer
— a year ago

David, Severn and 3 others liked this

Abomination Brewing Company

And Hey, Fuck 2023 Too Triple IPA

Abomination Brewing Company
And Hey (censored) 2023 Too
Triple Dry Hopped IPA

Big malty mix here, on nose and in mouth. Ropy lacing, beautifully integrated. Sweet grapefruit, tangerine, lime and kiwi. Secondary note of baked pineapple throughout. Tropical and topical. Help us, alien overlords!

#abominationbrewingcompany #abominationbrewing #abomination #tipa #tripleindiapaleale #tripleipa #dryhopped #dryhoppedtipa #ipa #andheyf2023too
— 4 months ago

Abomination Brewing Company

Lil' Pumpky Milkshake Style India Pale Ale

Beware the Ph…er, Fog! Lil’ Pumky from Abomination Brewing Company, North Haven CT. Gourdy gourdy gumdrops! Chalk colored shaver’s lather devolves to ghost trails. Gator snout lacing draws back horizontally, Nose shows strong citrus and squash notes; lime and lemongrass push grapefruit to the fore. This one, though creamy, stays citrusy throughout, and the pumpkin spice is very light, but the true pumpkin aspect came through. This is a valiant effort to achieve real pumpkin flavor, which is difficult. This brewery is on the right track, and honestly, I’m not sure where to improve, but it needs a little spice kick from a specialty hop, perhaps. I humbly submit.

#abominationbrewingcompany #abominationbrewing #abominationbrewinglilpumpky #lilpumpky #milkshakestyleipa #ipa #indiapaleale #pumpkinbeer #pumpkinspice #beer #seasonalbeer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 6 months ago

ESF, Paul and 2 others liked this



State Of Brewing

Session IPA

Amber waves with egg white colored foam halo. Laced with paisley slippage hippo-crocodile submersions. Lovely clementine nose with candied lemon and grapefruit peels, green strawberries, bruised pineapple, and lime kefir. Lemon on the lips, then smoothie of lime and near-peach, grapefruit and kumquat, yellow mulberry, and lemon cream. Teally good session ipa here! Best of class!

#aldibeer #sessionipa #aldiadventcalendar #ipa #WIbeer #wisconsinbeer #ale #indiapeale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— a year ago

David, Severn and 2 others liked this

Fat Orange Cat Brew Co.

Pumpkin Patch Kittens

Fat Orange Cat brew co. Pumpkin Patch Kittens. Albumen merengue top over opaque Bosc-grapefruit. Pear-apple nose with honeyed flower. Sweet grapefruit, nectarine and tangerine. Glyph-font lacing melts to fatty tissue. Cinnamon and applesauce, tart lemon, lime zest and a touch of coconut inform the festive palate. Caramelized pineapple and clove complete the work.

#fatorangecatbrewco #fatorangecat #pumpkinpatchkittens #pumpkinbeer #seasonalbeer #NewEnglandStyleIPA #NEstyleIPA #IPA #beer #Bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— 5 months ago

Sharon and Paul liked this

State Of Brewing

West Coast Style IPA

State of Brewing, Waunakee, Wisconsin. West Coast IPA
Rose gold-amber; full opacity. Loose, bone-colored head. Dissolving dinosaur lacing. Malty style with orange and orange blossom, lemon confit, lime zest and clementine. Citrusy hops with light dankity dank. Malty entry rapidly bursts with grapefruit, hempseed, flax, and lemon peel. Light peppercorn. Lemongrass and grape leaf.

#stateofbrewing #aldiadventcalendar #WIbeer #wisconsinbeer #ipa #westcoastipa #waunakee #wisconsin #beer #bier #birre #birra #cerveza
— a year ago

David, Tom and 3 others liked this

State Of Brewing

Hazy IPA

State of Brewing hazy IPA.
Rose-colored gold, opaque; melting hexagonal beeswax comb lacing turns levitating knives, woodcut claws and feathers. Orange, tangerine and apricot richness with tropical pineapple and banana leaf. Lime and lemon pith, lemon-lime bottlecap candy, Alka-seltzer, strangely, plantain, and truncated grapefruit. Perhaps lacks the creaminess of the hazy style in an attempt to keep the abv reasonable?

#stateofbrewing #aldibeer #aldiadventcalendar #hazyipa
#ipa #indiapaleale #hazy #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— a year ago

Paul, Severn and 2 others liked this


Grapefruit India Pale Ale

Aldi advent beers. Ruby rose grapefruit juice color and hazy. Spittle white with bubbles to match. Firewood dropped by tentacles lacing. Ghost squid. Pronounced grapefruit nose is halved, sprinkled with sugar and topped with a maraschino cherry like grandma made for breakfast. Hedge apple blossom, magnolia too. Lemon bread. Pineapple essence. Tart and tasty palate features white and ruby grapefruit that steps off a ledge and plunges to pith and pear, orange peel and zested ginger. Tastes very natural.

#aldibeer #aldiadventcalendar #WIbeer #wisconsinbeer #ipa #grapefruitipa #grapefruit #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— a year ago

David, Severn and 2 others liked this