Abomination Brewing Company
And Hey (censored) 2023 Too
Triple Dry Hopped IPA
Big malty mix here, on nose and in mouth. Ropy lacing, beautifully integrated. Sweet grapefruit, tangerine, lime and kiwi. Secondary note of baked pineapple throughout. Tropical and topical. Help us, alien overlords!
#abominationbrewingcompany #abominationbrewing #abomination #tipa #tripleindiapaleale #tripleipa #dryhopped #dryhoppedtipa #ipa #andheyf2023too — 4 months ago
David Kline
Abomination brewing and Hoof Hearted Collab ‘Little Red Riding Hoof’ Triple IPA
Scary good. Thick and opaque gold. Helper shelter lacing. Butterscotch and coffee had a rosemary baby, it turned tropical with baked pineapple and sweet lemon, brown sugar, toffee, and arbor fruit. Strong and mouth-coating. Excellent, and I need more!
#collab #abominationbrewing #hoofheartedbrewing #tripleipa #tipa #ipa #indiapaleale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birea #cerveza — 3 months ago