Tea-cola amber with garnet glints. Puffalump head that holds it high. Frayed rigging lacing. Refreshing lemon-ginger open that stays the backbone. Allspice, cinnamon, light brown sugar, nutmeg, mace and clove in just the right measures. It is that time of year for anyone with opposable thumbs! Possums, back feet only, please! I know this increases tripping risk, but I did ask nicely.
#trippinganimals #trippinganimalsbrewing #flbeer #doralfl #pumpkin #pumpkinale #brownale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #seasonalbeer
# — 6 months ago
Weighty wights headlessly puff hoar-breath sketches of new geographies into ruddy, amber oceans swirling. Hearty bread and malt-caramel nose, with a beurre blanc note. Orange and lemon lift this bread-y loaf with effort, but it tumbles back to grain flour and iced coffee couched in a spongey honey roll, this is the crux of its push and pull perpetuity.
#sixpointbrewery #sixpoint #sixpointoktoberfest #oktoberfest #octoberfest #marzen #marzenlager #nybeer #brooklynbeer #seasonalbeer #prost — 6 months ago
Surprisingly light colored head that sprung up like a ghost and then shot back down to a smoky whisper. Rum notes with caramel cream in the lead; spun sugar, cinnamon and clove with yogurt pretzel and honeyed tea. Spicy entry boasts sweetness but not overwhelming. Pumpkin oil, vanilla, oaky caramel, cinnamon and bitter note that suggests charred pecan, and peppercorns. This beer is good because it doesn’t stay sweet throughout and instantly congers the autumnal spirit. It doesn’t get too artificial, borrowing most of its flavors from barrel. #pumpkin #pumpkinbeer #ale #SouthernTier #imperialpumpkin #pumking #beer #seasonalbeer #oakaged #halloween #alehallows — 6 years ago
Fat Orange Cat brew co. Pumpkin Patch Kittens. Albumen merengue top over opaque Bosc-grapefruit. Pear-apple nose with honeyed flower. Sweet grapefruit, nectarine and tangerine. Glyph-font lacing melts to fatty tissue. Cinnamon and applesauce, tart lemon, lime zest and a touch of coconut inform the festive palate. Caramelized pineapple and clove complete the work.
#fatorangecatbrewco #fatorangecat #pumpkinpatchkittens #pumpkinbeer #seasonalbeer #NewEnglandStyleIPA #NEstyleIPA #IPA #beer #Bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 5 months ago
Florida Avenue Brewing Company ‘The Lantern’ Imperial Pumpkin Ale. Pumpkin-amber color of ale extends to head which undulates as dissolving eyes lace into spooky reaching claw and ghost flame afterlace. Cinnamon-apple nose fades to expose a cauldron of pumpkin spice and butternut, spaghetti, and acorn squash, and finally the gourd lord, pumpkin. Bourbon strikes the palate first with a caramel and cedar urgency, leaving a tannic mark. Nutmeg and allspice roll about the floor, kicking up the bud-covered rug. What this lacks in creaminess, it exerts in agro spice. I’m on the fence with this one, and make no mistake, I am impaled there. I want to try this one in a year! I think it deserves that. See you next year! Happy haunting.
#floridaavenue #floridaavenuebrewingcompany
#floridaavenueimperialpumpkine #imperialpumpkin #imperialpumpkinale #pumkinale #pumpkinbeer #seasonalbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 5 months ago
Great pumpkin offering as usual! Pie crust and pumpkin pie spice offering on the nose to appease the gourds; orange pekoe celestial reflections. Cinnamon stick whittled for whipping, and nutmegs just made for licking. Great taste for a knife carved face of caramelized pumpkin! Naysayers be slain. Haters haunted, Geeks begouled, Smarms smitten. How else can you mark the seasons in Florida? Bring on the jacked-up-juices! #halloween #pumpkin #pumpkinbeer #dogfishhead #dogfishheadpumpkinbeer #dogfishheadpunkinale #punkinale #seasonalbeer #gourdbrew #iwillslapyouintothanksgivingifyousmacktalkjack — 4 years ago
Suncreek Brewery Mashing Gourds Brown Ale. Clermont Florida. Auburn brown fluff hat tops this tea-colored brown ale with ‘chase the lips’ lacing contortions slipping in unctious ecstasy. Big, big spice nose shows all the stars, starting with nutmeg and clove, allspice and cinnamon. Root beer afterthoughts. Bold and chocolate-y palate brimming with coffee and chai complete the picture. Amoeba afterlace. Chock full of goodness and autumnal earmarks.
#suncreekbrewing #suncreekbrewingmashinggourds #mashinggourds #mashinggourdsbrownale #brownale #pumpkinbeer #mashinggourdspumpkin #pumpkin #seasonalbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 5 months ago
Beware the Ph…er, Fog! Lil’ Pumky from Abomination Brewing Company, North Haven CT. Gourdy gourdy gumdrops! Chalk colored shaver’s lather devolves to ghost trails. Gator snout lacing draws back horizontally, Nose shows strong citrus and squash notes; lime and lemongrass push grapefruit to the fore. This one, though creamy, stays citrusy throughout, and the pumpkin spice is very light, but the true pumpkin aspect came through. This is a valiant effort to achieve real pumpkin flavor, which is difficult. This brewery is on the right track, and honestly, I’m not sure where to improve, but it needs a little spice kick from a specialty hop, perhaps. I humbly submit.
#abominationbrewingcompany #abominationbrewing #abominationbrewinglilpumpky #lilpumpky #milkshakestyleipa #ipa #indiapaleale #pumpkinbeer #pumpkinspice #beer #seasonalbeer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 6 months ago
Waited a bit to get spooky with this one! Boo! Orange sourdough, caramel glass, cinnamon-chiles, cardamom, and cedar with dark brown sugar, dates and molasses. Fly agaric lacing does the micro polka on the glass as mystic swirls of smoke trace spirals from the cream colored top to the surface skim. Cinnamon leads the gourd charge, sweet potato follows, pepper and black raisin buttress those initials, while darkened caramel fills the void of clove, burnt candy and BBQ blood orange before swisher cherry sweetness.
#shipyard #mebeer #mainebeer #mainelife #shipyardsmashedpumpkin #shipyardsmashedpumpkin #pumpkin #pumpkinbeer #pumpkinale #ale #beer #biere #bier #cerveza #cerveja #seasonalbeer #beerisflavored #shutupaboutpumpkinbeernottastinglikepumpkin — 4 years ago
David Kline
Oily bubble, troil of trouble. Inky dinky dew lacing dripping around the hulk of the behemoth leviathan like measured cliff grooves. Mace, allspice, cinnamon apple, cedar and brown sugar-caramel define the shape of the nose. Bourbon is bursting from its pumpkin shell and therein lies its maple well. Impressively endless resonation of whisk(e)y arpeggios circling round the usual barrel suspects sing with real meaning the pear and apple, fig and tobacco, cola and bitter pineapple. Incontrovertibly stunning.
#heavyseas #mdbeer #heavyseasbeer #heavyseasgreaterpumpkin #greaterpumpkin #pumpkinale #imperialpumpkinale #bourbonbarrelaged #unchartedwaters #unchartededwatersseries #beer #biere #bier #birra #cerveza #seasonalbeer — 4 months ago