Tea-cola amber with garnet glints. Puffalump head that holds it high. Frayed rigging lacing. Refreshing lemon-ginger open that stays the backbone. Allspice, cinnamon, light brown sugar, nutmeg, mace and clove in just the right measures. It is that time of year for anyone with opposable thumbs! Possums, back feet only, please! I know this increases tripping risk, but I did ask nicely.
#trippinganimals #trippinganimalsbrewing #flbeer #doralfl #pumpkin #pumpkinale #brownale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #seasonalbeer
# — 7 months ago
Shadowy red amber, nearly translucent, coconut meat-colored head with winged lacing of butterflies and descending birds that morph to blobs. Honey tea and Hawaiian bread sweetness on the nose, with lemon, and orange zest. Tea and dinner roll compete and dark pretzel is evoked. Oregano flecks dryly; sesame, corn meal and baked black olive. What month is it? Sept..Okt...No...longest year ever! Just end. Good beer, needs greasy meats. .
#26degreesbrewing #26brewing #flbeer #pompanobeer #pompanobeachfl #flabeer #märzenlager #märzen #26degreesoktoberfest #oktoberfest #lager #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja — 4 years ago
Pale amber with frothy white that dims to fringe and crop circles. Same alar lacing. Shiny lime, dried pineapple, banana skin, and orange zest, with light aniseed scent residuals. Lemon-orange to lemon zest. Lime pith, tangerine, thyme; zesty finish that is somehow supple. Not so creamy, as a revisit to spongy; pith. .
#concretebeachbrewery #concretebeach #concretebeachsolaipa #solaipa #ipa #indiapaleale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #flbeer #flabeer #miamibeer #miami — 5 years ago
Big Top Brewing Company Pumpkin Stiltskin pumpkin ale. Cappuccino foam, cream colored head. Cola caramel body with reddish hues. Soapy wash to liquid craqueleur lacing that spiderlegs. Lovely nose of pumpkin pie with cider donut on top. Brown and raw sugar shine as nutmeg and clove push energetically; cinnamon oil surfaces. Big Top has us thinking fondly of the people in Sarasota tonight, and fervently hoping for their safety!
#sarasotafl #sarasotaflorida #bigtopbrewingcompany #bigtopbrewing #bigtoppumpkinstiltskin #pumpkinstiltskin #pumpkinale #pumpkinbeer #flbeer #hurricane #flhurricane — 6 months ago
Rosy grapefruit opacity, hi speed blender crowned, textured like a coat of paint. Oily lacing of connect-the-dots. Awesome jungle humidity suggesting banana and pineapple, sweet grapefruit and tangerine, coconut, marigold, candied lemon, honeycomb and jackfruit. Incredible entry of creamy banana and guava, lemon zest, with tiny glimpses of strawberry, cherry and raspberries, a dragonfruit texture, lemongrass sorbet, tangerine pulp, yellow mango, and finally miracle fruit transmogrification to balance the red and white with the vestiges of sweet ginger, tartaric biscuit, and coconut oil. Complex, evasive, evocative, hazy-creamy, razzy, racy and ethereal. One of the best IPAs I have had in 2020! Give these guys a trophy, and no, everyone does not get one!
#tbbc #tampabaybrewing #tampabaybrewingco #hopsiloseries #tbbchopsilo #tbbchopsiloseries #hazy #hazyipa #hazyindiapaleale #ipa #flbeer #flabeer #beer #biere #birra #bier #cerveja #cerveza #collab #calusa #calusabrewing #calisabrewingco #flcollab #flacollab #dankbeer #dank — 4 years ago
Über-bubble, if-just hazed, loose ocean foam, goes poof!, then just nebulae. Oily lacing of misfit moustaches. One swirl, though, and instant star nursery. Tangelo-lemon goodness blasts from the glass! Pure tropical mango from the tree. Grapefruit aspirations. Equally bright palate with the focus on a mineral-citrus that finds the perfect palatial trajectory, and sticks the landing on four hops. Namely, Mosaic for the baptismal tesserae, Citra for the gilded apse, Hallertau Blanc for the hallowed ground, and galaxy for the space between. Amen to the combo. Tartaric reverberations through a briny air, really quite evocative. This tastes the way Florida sometimes smells just after a rain. Tropical and saturated, but clean and spring-y. Jasmine, sweet grapefruit pith, lime and lemon. Really a great beer! .
#cigarcitybrewing #cigarcity #ccb #ccbspacepope #spacepope #mossichops #citrahops #Hallertaublanc #galaxyhops #hoppy #hops #beer #ipa #indiapaleale #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #ale #flbeer #flabeer #Tampabeer — 5 years ago
White capped drop to cirrus clouds and white crayon dogs over a golden amber pool. Oily lacing slips into obscurity, undeciphered. Tangerine and lemon oils confront grapefruit and cashew on the nose. Light clove and blood orange emerge in golden lemon zest on the palate. The bread-y center reads as sourdough, and plays peek-a-boo with razor thin toffee creme.
#bradenton #bradentonfl #flbeer #motorworksbrewing #motorworks #motorworksoktoberfest #oktoberfest #festbeer #festbier #märzen #märzenstyle #marzenstylelager #marzenlager #lager #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 7 months ago
26 degree brewing in Pompano Beach, FL. Oktoberfest Marzen Lager.
Auburn amber, hibiscus tea colored marzen with a red-cream head and sharks tooth lacing. Honey-pecan nose also shows molasses and a hint of maple with a bitterness backstory verging on brown bread or coffee rye. Rich palate shows coffee and Brazil-nut, dark roasted almond, root beer, cream soda and chicory. This Marzen brings all the adumbrated beer hall’s charm and rustic gestalt. Thoughtful and authentic.
#26degreebrewing #26degreeoktoberfest #26degree #flbeer #pompanobeach #marzen #marzenlager #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 7 months ago
Spanish Cedar magic! Almost non-translucent tea amber with spongy top and scattered bubblecorns to match the coming peppercorns! Amphibious linearity to the lacing which sticks in undulating slickness. Peppery nose jostles for attention against pineapple, both cut fresh and dried. Peppercorn wins, agressively charging! Dried starfruit ferment and grapefruit pulp also struggle. Palate weight is food friendly, and would make a great pairing with steak or Gorgonzola or sour cream crisps. Peppery essence crystallizes around malts and resinous cedar with cooked caramel and burnt sugar, but none of it deviates too far from Mr. Peppercorn’s locus. Not a beer for everyone! This thing is a unique palate teaser! I personally love its wooden depth, and lack of sugar on the finish. Grapefruit pith softness and cracked, black peppercorns encrusting. #ccb #cigarcitybrewing #spanishcedarjaialai #jaialai #ccbjaialai #cigarcitybrewingspanishcedarjaialai #ipa #jaialaiipa #indiapaleale #barrelaged #cedaraged #flbeer #flabeer #tampabeer #beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza #cerveja — 5 years ago
David Kline
3 Sons Brewing Co. Festbier
Cloudy, yellow-gold-amber, with a yeasty, porcine head. Finger O’ God lacing aspirationally pointing skyward, then back at Adam with accusation. Bread dough nose shows yeasty influence, but softly comforts an anticipated fest. Orange zest and lemon too, pepper the nose, as does white pepper and cardamom. Wake revelers! Clove is afoot like a cloven hoof! Brown sugar wheat bread crust, Bold entry o’ the goat does not disappoint, indeed, he has inspired this wyld Satyre!
#3SonsBrewingCo #Threesonsbrewing #threesonsfestbier #3sonsfestbier #festbier #oktoberfestlager #germanstylelager #daniabeach #daniabeachflorida #flbeer #lager — 5 months ago