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Big Top Brewing Company Pumpkin Stiltskin pumpkin ale. Cappuccino foam, cream colored head. Cola caramel body with reddish hues. Soapy wash to liquid craqueleur lacing that spiderlegs. Lovely nose of pumpkin pie with cider donut on top. Brown and raw sugar shine as nutmeg and clove push energetically; cinnamon oil surfaces. Big Top has us thinking fondly of the people in Sarasota tonight, and fervently hoping for their safety!
David Kline
Big Top Brewing Company Pumpkin Stiltskin pumpkin ale. Cappuccino foam, cream colored head. Cola caramel body with reddish hues. Soapy wash to liquid craqueleur lacing that spiderlegs. Lovely nose of pumpkin pie with cider donut on top. Brown and raw sugar shine as nutmeg and clove push energetically; cinnamon oil surfaces. Big Top has us thinking fondly of the people in Sarasota tonight, and fervently hoping for their safety!
#sarasotafl #sarasotaflorida #bigtopbrewingcompany #bigtopbrewing #bigtoppumpkinstiltskin #pumpkinstiltskin #pumpkinale #pumpkinbeer #flbeer #hurricane #flhurricane — 6 months ago