Rosy grapefruit opacity, hi speed blender crowned, textured like a coat of paint. Oily lacing of connect-the-dots. Awesome jungle humidity suggesting banana and pineapple, sweet grapefruit and tangerine, coconut, marigold, candied lemon, honeycomb and jackfruit. Incredible entry of creamy banana and guava, lemon zest, with tiny glimpses of strawberry, cherry and raspberries, a dragonfruit texture, lemongrass sorbet, tangerine pulp, yellow mango, and finally miracle fruit transmogrification to balance the red and white with the vestiges of sweet ginger, tartaric biscuit, and coconut oil. Complex, evasive, evocative, hazy-creamy, razzy, racy and ethereal. One of the best IPAs I have had in 2020! Give these guys a trophy, and no, everyone does not get one!
#tbbc #tampabaybrewing #tampabaybrewingco #hopsiloseries #tbbchopsilo #tbbchopsiloseries #hazy #hazyipa #hazyindiapaleale #ipa #flbeer #flabeer #beer #biere #birra #bier #cerveja #cerveza #collab #calusa #calusabrewing #calisabrewingco #flcollab #flacollab #dankbeer #dank — 4 years ago
Pure, white grapefruit juice color, with whipped-to-peaks egg white top that sticks for sheet lacing of anatomical figure silhouettes. Bright orange, sweet grapefruit and peach blossom scents. Magnolia, jasmine and daisy perfumes. Perfectly balanced mouthfeel delivers grapefruit-creamsicle with bits of lemon peel in a marmalade pudding entry. This beauty turns on lime and juicy grapefruit with a dash of white pepper, lemon oil, tangerine, and an awesome burst of vivacious and near-effervescent lemon tart and grapefruit soda. Ultimately holds true to beer with notes of barley, touch of malt, hop textures, lemongrass and fresh oregano. Really sexy ipa here, might improve with a little bottle rest too! Will revisit, if still available. #parishbrewing #parishbrewingco #ghostinthemachine #ghostinthemachinedipa #Labeer #beer #biere #birra #bier #ale #paleale #dankbeer #indiapaleale #ipa #dipa #doubleipa #broussardla #hops #abv — 5 years ago
Huge grapefruit-tangerine tambourine clanging away at the intakes, with a sweet gasoline note pushed through pirouettes. Light vanilla, ginger, and lemon Madeline. Creamy mouthfeel, with lovely lime, grapefruit pudding, lemon peel, and cedar shavings. #peasantking #vermont #dipa #ipa #paleale #dankbeer — 6 years ago
Dark as muddied apricot juice. Slick and unstable head whisking away in oily retreat, with rapid lacings of unraveling ghost smokes turning will-o-the-wisp. Apricot-pineapple with a sweet kerosene note. Bananas and Honeycomb cereal. Lime pith and soursop secondary smells. Plantains dried at medium ripeness, lemon pith, and tangerine threads on the palate. Connecticut tobacco leaf. Chalky lemon. There is such an interesting dichotomy between the malt caramel notes initially, and the overwhelming, cancelling pithy citrus, which obnubilates the former. Kumquat and starfruit combine on the finish with lemon tart candy and grapefruit reduction. .
#breweryommegang #ommegangneonneonrainbows #neonneonrainbows #hazy #ipa #dipa #hazydoubleipa #hazydipa #ommeganghopheritageseries #hopheritageseries #nedipa #newenglanddipa #nybeer #cooperstownbeer #cooperstownny #abv #dankbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja — 4 years ago
Parish Brewing Braincake DIPA! White grapefruit color with bubble striation, forming a yellow-tinted, white froth that dissipates rapidly to spitbug spots atop a cumulus cloudscape. Big nose of fresh juices; lemon, orange, grapefruit, and tangerine with a lime zest. There is a sense of rainbow sorbet to the whole. Piths of the aforementioned play background, while lemon crystallizes tantalizingly. Kumquat and guava swim in a palatable pudding of pineapple-tangerine, sporting defensive spikes of lemon essence filled with venomous grapefruit oils, somehow rooted on tangy malts. There is an exquisite balance at play, salivation and wicking churning up impossible combinations that seem citric, minerally, and soft in a melodic interplay. This one is really milking my fangs in the best of ways. .
#parishbrewingco #parishbrewing #parishbrewingbraincakes #braincakes #doubleipa #dipa #ipa #indiapaleale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #dankbeer #labeer #louisianabeer #broussardla #doublestrata #citra #cashmere #hops — 5 years ago
Waxy chocolate, light vanilla, judicious banyan lacing, wood ear mushroom, old tobacco in the eyes and nose. Bitter plum, caramelized gourd, instant coffee, mocha-raisin, sweet vanilla, coffee crumble, a lime twist, pine bark, tea biscuit, and semi-burnt brown sugar to ride it all out. The sum of its parts smacks of cookies dipped in coffee, but there is a lean streak that somehow auto tunes the malty beast’s braying into a simpler tasty beverage. The iced coffee of stouts. #belgian #belgium #BuffaloBelgianStour #abv #stout #maltyballs #darkbeer #dankbeer #bier #biere #beer #beerbeerbeer #buckingbeer #stoutstoutstoutitonout — 6 years ago
Active, perfect yellow amber pushing orange hard. Big bubbled beige-yellow head that dropped expectedly quick, with so much action. Petri-dish lacing with cytoplasm graffiti. Huge pineapple nose of fresh-cut ripe fruit! Grapefruit tattoo, but little else. General lemon creaminess; a memo from mandarin. Pineapple rum entry with caramel and vanilla, baked apple, brandy-pear, classy touch of black pepper, allspice, ginseng, soft ginger slices, dried orange peel, anise, and lime. Heady and thick, cut, wiry, and sinewy, but overall, a calculated, choreographed, disciplined display of restrained power, lithe and evocative, with a smooth finish.
#stonebrewery #FearMovieLions #fml #FearMovieLionsDoubleipa #dipa #doubleipa #ipa #dankbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #stonefml #vabeer #richmondva — 4 years ago
Hard poured this inky octopus to a pattern-bald, latte-afro pate with dancing nematode swirls in space riffs. Sticky cellulite ‘lacing’ painting the glass with stain-stars. Black. Burnt baklava aromas, maple char, black chocolates with windowsill mint, malty dark caramel, baked aromas. Coffee and resinous chocolate, baked maple syrup, poppy torts, rye bread with dark caramel, baked chocolate with ganache for a sleepover, Thai coffee reduction, treacle, a sweet black pepper and sassafras and dark rum sprouting fresh vanilla bean. Intensely variegated, layered, concentrated. The Dagwood of imperial stouts. Piled 6 feet high, enjoy with a friend, horizontally. .
#nordaggioscoffee #prairieartisanales #prairiebomb #imperialstout #stout #coffeestout #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #dankbeer #krebsbrewing #okbeer #krebsoklahoma — 5 years ago
Blackberry, prune, resin, boysenberry, raspberry esters, black cherry reduction, plum tort, pomegranate. The entry is ridiculously concentrated and brings sour plum, dried blackberry, cranberry and a stain of soy. Pickled red onion, a pink balsamic feeling here with dried violet, and rose hips. Tasty and complex. #sour #tripleseesaw #gose #seesawseries #trillium #boston #MAbeer #dankbeer — 6 years ago
David Kline
Wow, coffee bean colored head turns lighter cream; from biscotto to sponge texture to satin. Garden of the gods lacing. Espresso, mocha, dark chocolate, burnt brittle, and toffee nose. Rich and complex and focused with deft straddle of bitter and sweet, creamy and dry. Chocolate assumes a caramel droplet, while honey comes to mind with floral notes. Ribbons of Turkish coffee, and plenty of oak and char compete for the remainder. Big, sinewy, chewy and earthy, just wrapped in sumptuous sweets. Awesome! .
#founders #foundersbrewing #foundersimperialstout #imperialstout #stout #russianimperialstout #dankbeer #bigberr #beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza #cerveja — 4 years ago