
Parish Brewing Company

Dr Juice IPA

Swirly-cloud, pear-from-syrup colored nectar boasting old-newspaper-“white”, frothy mallow-moon icing. Grapefruit candy meets ginger candy at the soft lemon foam; tenderness ensues. Spun sugar pith on sticks, lemon and orange marshmallows away gently in tangerine breezes. A frozen pineapple iceberg floats by, it’s head peeping innocently above the swirly floes. Damn refreshing frozen knife of summer. Stick with it. .
#parrishbrewing #drjuice #labeer #parrishdrjuiceipa #drjuiceipa #ipa #indiapaleale #paleale #ale #broussardla #beer #birra #bier #biere #cerveza #cerveja
— 4 years ago

Sharon, Neil and 1 other liked this

Parish Brewing Company

Ghost In The Machine Imperial IPA

Pure, white grapefruit juice color, with whipped-to-peaks egg white top that sticks for sheet lacing of anatomical figure silhouettes. Bright orange, sweet grapefruit and peach blossom scents. Magnolia, jasmine and daisy perfumes. Perfectly balanced mouthfeel delivers grapefruit-creamsicle with bits of lemon peel in a marmalade pudding entry. This beauty turns on lime and juicy grapefruit with a dash of white pepper, lemon oil, tangerine, and an awesome burst of vivacious and near-effervescent lemon tart and grapefruit soda. Ultimately holds true to beer with notes of barley, touch of malt, hop textures, lemongrass and fresh oregano. Really sexy ipa here, might improve with a little bottle rest too! Will revisit, if still available. #parishbrewing #parishbrewingco #ghostinthemachine #ghostinthemachinedipa #Labeer #beer #biere #birra #bier #ale #paleale #dankbeer #indiapaleale #ipa #dipa #doubleipa #broussardla #hops #abv — 5 years ago

Severn, Stuart and 3 others liked this

Parish Brewing Company

Braincake Double India Pale Ale

Parish Brewing Braincake DIPA! White grapefruit color with bubble striation, forming a yellow-tinted, white froth that dissipates rapidly to spitbug spots atop a cumulus cloudscape. Big nose of fresh juices; lemon, orange, grapefruit, and tangerine with a lime zest. There is a sense of rainbow sorbet to the whole. Piths of the aforementioned play background, while lemon crystallizes tantalizingly. Kumquat and guava swim in a palatable pudding of pineapple-tangerine, sporting defensive spikes of lemon essence filled with venomous grapefruit oils, somehow rooted on tangy malts. There is an exquisite balance at play, salivation and wicking churning up impossible combinations that seem citric, minerally, and soft in a melodic interplay. This one is really milking my fangs in the best of ways. .
#parishbrewingco #parishbrewing #parishbrewingbraincakes #braincakes #doubleipa #dipa #ipa #indiapaleale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #dankbeer #labeer #louisianabeer #broussardla #doublestrata #citra #cashmere #hops
— 5 years ago

Neil and Mike liked this

Parish Brewing Company

Rêve Coffee Roasters Coffee Stout

Blackest pour, with a milk chocolate colored icing, thick, thorny lacing on an arabica slide. Cosmic paw prints. The coffee aromas ore omniscient. There is a slight licorice note and buckwheat/ barley-ness. The malt is adding a mocha element, as well as a toasted vanilla wafer. Impressive depth, real coffee mouthfeel here, the beer texture just adds to it. Nothing wimpy about this delivery. Allspice and dark chocolate accent the premium coffee here, and it is extraordinary! Get a sip while it still has a head. Enlightened brewing here! .
#parishbrewingco #parishbrewing #labeer #broussardla #rêve #rêvecoffeeroasters #stout #coffeestout #parishbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja
— 5 years ago

Severn, Sharon and 2 others liked this