
Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle

Traditions Gebräu Imperial Porter

Black with blood background. Stable head of tan leather and porcini. Chocolate milk notes and nibs. Cafè au lait. Grounds, crema and aromas. Creamy with banana pith bitterings that do not stall the creaminess. Miniscule vanilla and licorice musings amid the oasted grain and oak tannin; a pleasant compass. The lacing is creeping root, diving millipede dragon and manta flight with the attitude of a snooty cat. Yes, hell unleashed. Sit back and let this beer be your cushion, bones are a cage, and largely in the way.

#deutschebier #porter #imperialporter #oakaged #leckerundfrisch #traditionsgebräuleckerundfrisch #abv #beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza
— a month ago

Tom and Paul liked this

Lexington Brewing Co.

Kentucky Pumpkin Barrel Ale

White topped, not persistent, unctuous rivulets lacings reach out like tentacles. Vanilla and cinnamon standards shine, real gourd aromas thrill; warm caramel, sultanas, and clove-ginger. Whiskey barrel entry reminds you this is 10% abv, gingerbread, cedar, cinnamon, caramel creme, vanilla, clove and a touch of pepper. Nice work. Sunday dessert. .
#lexingtonbrewingco #lexingtonbrewing #kentuckypumpkinbarrelale #barrelaged #pumpkinbeer #pumpkin #bourbonbarrelaged #ale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #oakaged
— 4 years ago

Sharon, Neil and 2 others liked this


KBS Chocolate Coffee Stout

Hard pour if you’ve a desire to to see a head of coffee foam in dark cappuccino. It loiters a little with unctuous lacing that stick in place in globules, sporadically spaced. Dark chocolate scented, where brew, and coffee bean mix with toffee and sweet cedar, vanilla bean and nougat. Chocolate-pecan-caramel turtles amp up with mocha and espresso, a tiny pinch of black pepper, dark tobaccos, bakers chocolate, and brown sugar coated malt chocolate. Sweet initially, then revelatory as it sorts its relationships, then bitter, with pine, acanthus, chicory, walnut and pecan shell. Warm, rich, and covered in monster muck. Like a cigar smoke filled station wagon driven by a dark chocolate Santa after an Italian truck stop espresso run being slowly pulled into a tar pit. One for the ages. Happy holidays, ya filthy animals!
. .
#foundersbrewing #founderskbs #KBS #beer #birra #bier #biere #stout #flavoredstout #coffeebeer #oakagedseries #oakaged #barrelaged #chocolateale #imperialstout #theamazingkosmickis #kosmickisbourbonstout #barrelagecseries
— 5 years ago

Sharon, Andrew and 3 others liked this
Sharon B

Sharon B Influencer Badge

Nice picture too!
Andrew Schirmer

Andrew Schirmer

Love this beer. Glad they have distro in the PNW now.

Anchorage Brewing Company

Darkest Hour Imperial Stout

Black as starless space, mostly headless, with dark brown bubbling at the neck. Deep espresso turns darkest chocolate, charred cinnamon and dark caramel, licorice, and dark brittle. Savory, charred chocolate and bittersweet arabica. Deep treacle, licorice echo, with brandy notes sporting chocolate haloes. Intense, visceral, and unforgettable.

#anchorage #anchoragebrewingcompany #anchoragebrewing #alaskabeer #akbeer #stout #imperialstout #darkesthour #anchoragebrewingdarkesthour #anchoragedarkesthour #anchorageak #barrelaged #brandybarrelsged #oakaged
— 3 years ago

Sharon, Ira and 3 others liked this
Sharon B

Sharon B Influencer Badge

I got married in Anchorage!
David Kline

David Kline Influencer Badge

Wow, bet it was epic. Florida a big opposite in every way!

Rivertown Brewing Company

Lambic 2015

Sour buttermilk, boiled potato, clotted cream, crimini mushroom and Parmesan herald a funky-earthy scent made pleasant by maple sap, pickled peach, underripe apricot, and coriander. Apple cider vinegar bursts into the palate with wincing alacrity, which, with goat cheese becomes a bright tangerine and near-ripe apricot. Still has a pickled note. Pickled yellow pepper, onion, red bell and general chow chow diciness, as well as a sauerkraut and sweet mustard combo. Razzy, jazzy and bracing. Stellar example of the lambic style. .
#rivertownbrewing #rivertownbrewery #craftbeer #lambic #ohbeer #locklandoh #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #wildyeast #housefunk #spontaneousfermentation #spontaneous #oakaged #barrelaged #winebarrelaged #2015 #vintagebeer #funkybeer #sour #sourbeer #sourbeers #awardwinningbeer
— 5 years ago

Neil, Mike and 2 others liked this

Southern Tier Brewing Company

Pumking Imperial Pumkin Ale

Surprisingly light colored head that sprung up like a ghost and then shot back down to a smoky whisper. Rum notes with caramel cream in the lead; spun sugar, cinnamon and clove with yogurt pretzel and honeyed tea. Spicy entry boasts sweetness but not overwhelming. Pumpkin oil, vanilla, oaky caramel, cinnamon and bitter note that suggests charred pecan, and peppercorns. This beer is good because it doesn’t stay sweet throughout and instantly congers the autumnal spirit. It doesn’t get too artificial, borrowing most of its flavors from barrel. #pumpkin #pumpkinbeer #ale #SouthernTier #imperialpumpkin #pumking #beer #seasonalbeer #oakaged #halloween #alehallows — 6 years ago

Founders Brewing Company


Reddish amber color a surprise as Turkish coffee mocha latte just jumps from the bottle. Dark chocolate sea salt with caramel, and roasted nut evocations; all in a darker tonality. Bubble-gator lacings smooth in a viscous river. Bitter arabica and cacao nut greet the palate with honey comb and bee pollen. Brazil nut, cappuccino cigar, Java, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg sarsaparilla and cola. Lip smacking as your palate politely asks for a replay. Quality conjuring with smooth talking flavors. Rich, decadent and enticing without compromising its power. Joe cool.

#founders #foundersmarvelroast #imperial #imperialgolden #iga #oakaged #barrelbeer #coffee #coffeebeer #coffeeale #imperialcoffeeale #foundersbrewing #MIbeer #grandrapids #grandrapidsmi
— 3 years ago

Dawn, Severn and 3 others liked this

Oskar Blues

Ten Fidy Imperial Stout

Espresso black with mocha toppings. Unctuous pointillism of zygote fossilization. Carbon paper, licorice, treacle, Turkish coffee, toffee, and a sapling-meets-whiskey, cinnamon, gingerbread, dried fig, and sarsaparilla scented number. (My wife thinks this tastes of cough syrup, but it is just whiskey centric) big, charred whiskey entry with dark caramel and Christmas pudding, that turns to burnt fructose. Awesome depth and breadth! .
#beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza #cerveja #stout #barrelagedbeer #barrelagedstout #oakaged #oakagedstout #imperialstout #oskarblues #oskarbluesbrewing #tenfidy #stovepipetenfidy #oskarbluestenfidy #bourbonbarrelaged #cobeer #coloradobeer
— 5 years ago

David, Severn and 2 others liked this

Founders Brewing Company

Double Trouble IPA

It’s been three years since my last review of this little slice of double trouble. Loose and thorny crown of creamy white with cartoon bone lacing plus bubble font. Golden overall, but reddish tinges turn it pink. Banana bread, with honey butter, a bit of molasses and orange marmalade scented, but the breakfast stops there. Healthy dollops of of honey buoy herbs de Provence, golden apple, juniper sharpness, lemon-arabica, pecan, and extra lavender. .
#foundersbrewing #foundersdoubletrouble #beer #bier #birra #biere #ipa #imperialipa #barrelagedbeer #oakaged #imperialbeer #abv #ibu
— 5 years ago

Sharon, Andrew and 3 others liked this

Big Top Brewing Company

Ashley Gang Imperial India Pale Ale

Gorgeous amber that approaches opacity. White chalk line crown with cosmic bubbles clustering. Candied grapefruit and pretzel nose becomes tangerine marmalade on wheat germ. Drops like a grapefruit gumdrop into cigar box with cedar and sweet tea murmurs, and proves a lovely complement to the malt sugars which somehow come off as raw granules. All the sweet notes extend to a point like a psychedelic pencil that writes in wheatgrass tannin and molasses burnt onto cast iron. Just what I needed to kickstart my brain. What!!!? 9.8% alc. scratch the kickstart, we just hit 60! #ipa #imperialipa #ale #oakaged #bigtopbrewingcompany #Sarasota #flbeer #beer #floridabeer #florida #indiapaleale #AshleyGang #brainbeer #hops #abv — 7 years ago