Just right on Super Bowl Sunday. #imperial — 8 years ago
@cellerbatlle #gramona #imperial #granreserva #brutnature — 11 years ago
Reddish amber color a surprise as Turkish coffee mocha latte just jumps from the bottle. Dark chocolate sea salt with caramel, and roasted nut evocations; all in a darker tonality. Bubble-gator lacings smooth in a viscous river. Bitter arabica and cacao nut greet the palate with honey comb and bee pollen. Brazil nut, cappuccino cigar, Java, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg sarsaparilla and cola. Lip smacking as your palate politely asks for a replay. Quality conjuring with smooth talking flavors. Rich, decadent and enticing without compromising its power. Joe cool.
#founders #foundersmarvelroast #imperial #imperialgolden #iga #oakaged #barrelbeer #coffee #coffeebeer #coffeeale #imperialcoffeeale #foundersbrewing #MIbeer #grandrapids #grandrapidsmi — 3 years ago
#beer #rampage #imperial #ipa #blackdiamondbrewing #concord #california — 11 years ago
Off-white cumulous clouds top a cloudy, nearly opaque cistern of Rich Amber. The lacing menaces like zombie fingers before succumbing to the murky cauldron; sparse bubble implore like confused eyes, disembodied. Tropical notes of rum cake and pineapple-banana cream with a suggestion of cocoanut turn cedar and apricot and lemon breads. Vanilla marks the creamy entry with almond and nougat, that turns bourbon ball quickly leaving you with fire and smoke and lemon tea. Whiskey and lemon become pronounced upon the contemplative conclusion! Like being hugged to death by a baby balrog! #founders #barrelaged #bourbonbarrelaged #beer #dankbeer #imperialipa #ipa #imperial #ale #foundersbrewing #doom ## — 7 years ago
Big, frothy, malt ball-shag carpet that hangs around like brocade. Impenetrable by light. Milk and dark chocolates vie with coffee rye, cedar and a bit of black pepper esters. Oak and tar suggest ship seams, and there is an oceanic depth, a coffee reduction, fantastically creamy with a deep caramel core. Bakers chocolate with espresso beans, coffee liqueur and burnt black currant. #oskarblues #tenfidy #imperialstout #stout #barrelaged #abv #dankbeer #darkbeer #imperial — 7 years ago
David Kline
Founders Brewing Ultimate Oktoberfest
Auburn colored amber sports a negative constellation lid in puffy cream. Toxic avenger lacing mid-melt leaves leaping fish to swooping birds. Honeyed brown bread nose has hints of coffee, peanut, baked brown sugar and yeasty dough. Strong vanilla lingers as whiskey shines in caramel, cedar and cinnamon firstly, toffee, allspice, orange, baked pear as afterthought. Tertiary flavors persist indefinitely spurred in by successive sipping. Grand.
#founders #foundersbrewing #FoundersUltimateOktoberfest #UltimateOktoberfest #märzen #imperialmärzen #imperial #barrelagedseries #barrelaged #bourbonbarrelaged #foundersbarrelagedseries #beer #Oktoberfest #bier — 3 months ago