It’s been three years since my last review of this little slice of double trouble. Loose and thorny crown of creamy white with cartoon bone lacing plus bubble font. Golden overall, but reddish tinges turn it pink. Banana bread, with honey butter, a bit of molasses and orange marmalade scented, but the breakfast stops there. Healthy dollops of of honey buoy herbs de Provence, golden apple, juniper sharpness, lemon-arabica, pecan, and extra lavender. .
#foundersbrewing #foundersdoubletrouble #beer #bier #birra #biere #ipa #imperialipa #barrelagedbeer #oakaged #imperialbeer #abv #ibu — 5 years ago
David Kline
It’s been three years since my last review of this little slice of double trouble. Loose and thorny crown of creamy white with cartoon bone lacing plus bubble font. Golden overall, but reddish tinges turn it pink. Banana bread, with honey butter, a bit of molasses and orange marmalade scented, but the breakfast stops there. Healthy dollops of of honey buoy herbs de Provence, golden apple, juniper sharpness, lemon-arabica, pecan, and extra lavender. .
#foundersbrewing #foundersdoubletrouble #beer #bier #birra #biere #ipa #imperialipa #barrelagedbeer #oakaged #imperialbeer #abv #ibu — 5 years ago