Delicious #porter — 10 years ago
State of Brewing chocolate peanut butter porter. Strong chocolate peanut butter nose has mocha coffee influence. Not my favorite style, but a nice offering that steers clear of over sweet. Bittersweet chocolate and heavy lean into the coffee bean. The result is straight forward as the style should be. Beer itself needs to be a strong element in these flavored offerings. This one shows that restraint.
#stateofbrewing #aldibeer #aldiadventcalendar #porter #chocolatebeer #chocolatepeanutbutterporter #wibeer #wisconsinbeer — a year ago
Really not overblown, though I did postpone drinking it. Never had a bad Terrapin, and thought this might be the first. Peanut butter on the nose (powdered camping one), with a healthy, medium chocolate overlay, very quality, cocoa palate entry (also powdered), but a burnt malt note that makes it swampy. Ends with pleasant minerality that aids instead of thinning the whole. All in all a robust effort; tastes like granny's home-style, choco-mud turtle swamp balls! #terrapinbeer #chocolate #porter #liquidbliss #chocolatebeer — 10 years ago
Ah the baby has landed. Crowned with a halo of disparate cappuccino to snowy hoarfrost, and a Rorschach cameo of Grinchkens. Big chocolate peanut butter cookie nose with mocha too.
Medium mouthfeel and all mocha-peanut butter here that sticks with you through the finish which becomes roasted pecan and exhibits a nice counterweight bitterness that is straight rope cords, and upturned tables in temple! This lil peanut got a little burned in the best of ways. #sweetbabyjesus #porter #DuClaw #mdbeer #beer #peanutbutter #mangerdanger #proclaimthename — 6 years ago
Dark coffee-cola color with a cappuccino cream head that dissipates to petri sample rapidly. Rich coffee nose with nibs of mocha and cypress. Well-balanced mouthfeel that surpasses the lighter cola and encompasses a heavier malt beverage texture. There is a racy volatility as it spritzes easily but with a fine, creamy texture. Bakers chocolate, dark toast, hazelnut, maplewood and bitter almond with vanilla bean and burnt caramel. Tasty session porter! Bell's seldom disappoints. #porter #bellsbrewery #beer #darkbeer — 8 years ago
David Kline
Black with blood background. Stable head of tan leather and porcini. Chocolate milk notes and nibs. Cafè au lait. Grounds, crema and aromas. Creamy with banana pith bitterings that do not stall the creaminess. Miniscule vanilla and licorice musings amid the oasted grain and oak tannin; a pleasant compass. The lacing is creeping root, diving millipede dragon and manta flight with the attitude of a snooty cat. Yes, hell unleashed. Sit back and let this beer be your cushion, bones are a cage, and largely in the way.
#deutschebier #porter #imperialporter #oakaged #leckerundfrisch #traditionsgebräuleckerundfrisch #abv #beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza — a month ago