
Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle

Traditions Gebräu Imperial Porter

Black with blood background. Stable head of tan leather and porcini. Chocolate milk notes and nibs. Cafè au lait. Grounds, crema and aromas. Creamy with banana pith bitterings that do not stall the creaminess. Miniscule vanilla and licorice musings amid the oasted grain and oak tannin; a pleasant compass. The lacing is creeping root, diving millipede dragon and manta flight with the attitude of a snooty cat. Yes, hell unleashed. Sit back and let this beer be your cushion, bones are a cage, and largely in the way.

#deutschebier #porter #imperialporter #oakaged #leckerundfrisch #traditionsgebräuleckerundfrisch #abv #beer #bier #birra #biere #cerveza
— 6 days ago

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