
Tampa Bay Brewing Company

Gourds Gone Wild

Tampa Bay Brewing Co. ‘Gourds Gone Wild’
Amber expectation unravel to express whipped cream on pumpkin pie! Heavy on the cream! Flaky crust seems imminent. This motif swings full circle on the palate-pirouette to suggest the same with clove and nutmeg in tow. Beer aspect has turned treacle-sarsaparilla but genuine and tasty-toasted, so, let it go! Haters hate Christmas ales too and summer and seasonal but love their Willy wonky candy beers. Grow some. The style is good, screaming autumn from the hollow skull of Halloween. Don’t be scared!

#tbbc #tampabaybrewingcompany #goiudsgonewild #pumpkinale #flabeer #floridabeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza
— a year ago

Tom, Paul and 1 other liked this

Swamp Head Brewery

Big Nose India Pale Ale

Antique-golden amber just under opaque. Home air filter head that dissolved like culinary foam. Rusty can of honey, date bread, candied grapefruit peel, caramelized banana, a tiny suggestion of spray adhesive and very pleasant lemongrass soap, baked pineapple alongside fresh rind of pineapple. Very aromatic. Allspice and nutmeg entry stay in the bitter stratosphere with a wicker basket taste beneath this bitter orange balloon. A bit of palatal rhinoplasty is needed here to navigate over the summit of this big stone nose and its flat grapefruit, orange peel and bitter pecan. Watch the treetops! We’re losing altitude! #swampheadbrewery #swamphead #floridabeer #florida #beer #ipa #ale #abv #ibu — 7 years ago

Cycle Brewing

Crank IPA

Crank ipa is hazy cross of pink grapefruit juice. Opaque and milky. White and loose-bubbles lacing that holds together well, before ripping to a rounded torn rag paper. Grapefruit sweetness extends to the nose, with tangerine and orange essence. Touches of peach and lemon, and maybe daisies. Winning mouthfeel of citrus zing and stacks of acid, with a glandular response smoothing the edges like mined salt sans the flavor. Lime and grapefruit with chamomile and lemon, always shimmering on the tongue. This is not the most complex ipa, but it is certainly pleasant. It hides its alcohol well, and pedals like a well oiled machine. Downhill runs and flats. #beer #bier #biere #birta #ale #indiapaleale #IPA #crankipa #cyclebrewing #FLbeer #floridabeer #StPetersburgfl — 5 years ago

Stuart and Mike liked this

Tequesta Brewing Company

Oh My Gourd Pumpkin Ale

The last pumpkin! Tequesta Brewing Co. by my estimation, the best of all. Nutmeg, cinnamon, and clove but not sweet aromatically speaking. Rich with brown sugar that doesn’t usurp the spices which seem wet and fresh here, melding perfectly with the beer. Apple and pear and sultana seem to surface, with the suggestion of pepper. #beer #bier #pumpkinbeer #pumpkin #TequestaBrewingCompany #TBC #floridabeer — 6 years ago

Big Top Brewing Company

Ashley Gang Imperial India Pale Ale

Gorgeous amber that approaches opacity. White chalk line crown with cosmic bubbles clustering. Candied grapefruit and pretzel nose becomes tangerine marmalade on wheat germ. Drops like a grapefruit gumdrop into cigar box with cedar and sweet tea murmurs, and proves a lovely complement to the malt sugars which somehow come off as raw granules. All the sweet notes extend to a point like a psychedelic pencil that writes in wheatgrass tannin and molasses burnt onto cast iron. Just what I needed to kickstart my brain. What!!!? 9.8% alc. scratch the kickstart, we just hit 60! #ipa #imperialipa #ale #oakaged #bigtopbrewingcompany #Sarasota #flbeer #beer #floridabeer #florida #indiapaleale #AshleyGang #brainbeer #hops #abv — 7 years ago