Cider-esque haziness sports spongy fluff with bouncy bubbles, sheet lacing which tears to brains folds, or nut interiors. Lemon-lime and grapefruit gummies explode dangly. Apricots, tangerines, lemongrass and ginger nose. Briny grapefruit with iodized aspects, and shimmery mineral plating. Sweetness imperceptible; glistening acid trails. Clementine peel bite.
#stone #stonebrewing #stoneneverendinghaze #neverendinghaze #hazyipa #hazy #leavenostoneunturned #vegan #ipa #indiapaleale #paleale #beer #bier #biere #birra #ceveza #cerveja #escondido #cabeer #calibeer #sessionipa #sessionbeer
— 3 years ago
Antique gold to amber gasoline. White contrail crown, cartoon snowy-night-woods lacing pulls back to reveal wolves eyes. Candied lemon peel nose, with clementine and ripe ruby grapefruit juiciness.Awesome grapefruit-lime burst into orange zest and juice, focuses around tangerine and orange peel that swims in sweet lemon grass with light coconut water and dried pineapple-apricot. Really came to appreciate this one after 5 beers!! #lagunitas #lagunitassupercluster #supercluster #ipa #superclustermegaipa #megaipa #citrahops #cabeer #calibeer #petalumaca #lagunitasbrewing #lagunitasbrewingco — 4 years ago
Just translucent, reddish amber with a slightly off- white top evoking puffy clouds and sticky tendril lacing of carnivorous plants eventually arabesque. Light caramel malt smells overlay the lemon and pine, thyme and clementine-grapefruit. The extra touch of sweet malt rounds the citrus on the palate, and the grain shines briefly adumbrating the pine return. Pith of lime and grapefruit with a ginger sprinkle sustain the finish for a refreshing aftertaste with a ghost of basil. .
#sierranevadabrewing #SierraNevada40th #sierranevadahoppyanniversary #anniversarybeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #ale #chicoca #cabeer #norcalbeer — 5 years ago
David Kline
Plunge. Bustin’ to bubble; browning lemon colored broth of shadowy opacity. Cotton-headed with a blond tinge. Nearly laceless, just afterthoughts sliding slowly over an oily cloth-print. Here a blob there a blob. Orange, lemon, grapefruit, tangerine oils suspended nebulous. Orange-carrot bread, madeleines, green pineapple, jasmine, honeysuckle. Heavenly clouds evoking scented memories amidst the novel eddies of uncharted aggregates. Creamy, oiled mouthfeel drops heavy through the dream to grapefruit, sassafras, white pepper, sage, lemon-lime pith and zest, with a vaporous orange oil swallowed quickly in a wash of coconut and brown bread finish. Salivating and dropping a few degrees in the process.
#sierranevada #tropicallittlething #tropicallittlethingipa #ipa #hazyipa #hazy #chicocalifornia #cabeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 9 months ago