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Die Königin des Feuers Helles Privatbrauerei Eichbaum Manheim Deutschland
Foamtastic snowy egret cloud suspended above palest straw translucence. Puffs of lemon pffts of lime, inter-dimensional remnants of green olive, rice cracker nez. Zest dusted dinner roll stuffed with brioche, pancake batter and Meyer lemon. Tasty, clean queen, with a refreshing sheen.
David Kline
Die Königin des Feuers Helles
Privatbrauerei Eichbaum
Manheim Deutschland
Foamtastic snowy egret cloud suspended above palest straw translucence. Puffs of lemon pffts of lime, inter-dimensional remnants of green olive, rice cracker nez. Zest dusted dinner roll stuffed with brioche, pancake batter and Meyer lemon. Tasty, clean queen, with a refreshing sheen.
#PrivatbrauereiEichbaum #DieKönigindesFeuers #Helles #germanbeer #deutschebier #bier #beer #biere #birra #cerveza — 3 months ago