Montille will never disappoint you! The creamy palate which is so round which give you a very fruitful feel. No matter on nose and taste is so outstanding, the value is always much more than the price, just love it so much. #domainedemontille #montille #beaune #burgundy #ilovewine — 10 years ago
#canadaday #bbqwine night with #ilovewine and her fam. Too many opened bottles to keep this strait. This red is lighter than the others and should have been opened first. #quaffable red. Light tannin. Sip panel but we ain't sippin! — 9 years ago
Waited for a special occasion and it was totally worth it! Wine and cork were in perfect condition. Wine maybe had another 3 years but was wonderful with dinner. #ilovewine #bordeaux — 10 years ago
Alishia Odom
Alishia had this 9 years ago