Incredible purity and elegance. Cherries on top of more cherries, with a fine, tense mineral core. More St. Aubin than Volnay, if I were pressed for comparisons. Ridiculous value here. #florentgaraudet #monthelie #pinotnoir #cotedebeaune — 7 years ago
Fresh, plenty of cut, tremendous length, nutty & Meursault-like on the finish. Top class. #monthelie — 9 years ago
Fatty and rich, very typical of '15. Still nicely structured, plenty of length and has that baby Meursault salinity and nuttiness. Good value. #terresdevelle #monthelie #chardonnay — 8 years ago
Oh what a nose. Gracious palate. Long finish. Pure yum. PNP. Go for it. Be the ball! #monthelie — 9 years ago
Chip Hughes
High-toned, tense and shows the tiniest bit of Meursault-like tender green herbs on the nose. Judicious, subtle oak; ample salinity shines on the finish. Classy white Burgundy that tastes $25 more expensive than it is. #garaudet #monthelie #chardonnay #cotedebeaune — 7 years ago