

McGah Family Vineyards Rosé 2015

Shay A

Saw that @Shawn R was doing it...#peerpressure

Very enjoyable rosé by
@Mike Smith . Pairs nicely with 75degree TX spring days and burgers on the grill. Watermelon rind and kiwi on the nose. Strawberry-lime on the palate. Refreshing acidity. 👌
— 8 years ago

Ron, Eric and 27 others liked this
Shawn R

Shawn R Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Love your style!@Shay Aldriedge
Norman Gennaro

Norman Gennaro Premium Badge

75 degree spring days aren't bad either.
Shay A

Shay A Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Norman Gennaro : Isn't that the truth. We have to enjoy the very few we get each year before it turns summer like hot 😑