From a great #winery #bodega from #rioja comes a great example of the particularities and nuances that come with #singlesite #singlevineyard #wines tension, amplitude of fruit and fine tannins — 9 years ago
This looks to be a reserve bottling of #jhmeyer #southafrica #elgin high altitude pinot noir vineyard called #palmiet #singlesite made #unfinedunfiltered which is pretty standard; however very vulnerable with plain natural cork (makes me guess how it was without cork effects); this is quite aged for low pH pinot, no idea what cork has done; very much the forest floor, funky no-varietal style, heaps sappy, full , oak clever; nice wine, drink now, no need to keep, 13% — 9 years ago
Owner TomeVinos wine shops, WSET Level 3, Blogger,
#bierzo #singlesite #singlevineyard — 8 months ago