
Microbrasserie Pit Caribou

Gose IPA

Light ale 3.8 ABV, lemony and fresh. Quite hard not to chug it in one sip #hops Mandarina Bavaria, Simcoe, Citra #style cilantro, salt — 8 years ago

Shawn, Trixie and 4 others liked this

Il Colle (Carli)

Riserva Brunello di Montalcino Sangiovese 1981

A badass old Italian guy in a well worn but sharp wool suit. Showing well. #sprezzatura #style #brunello — 10 years ago

Gareth and James liked this
James Lechner

James Lechner Influencer Badge

Whipping out the sprezzatura even!
Jackson Rohrbaugh

Jackson Rohrbaugh Influencer Badge

@James Lechner pretty sure that whipping out is the only thing you can do with #sprezzatura
James Lechner

James Lechner Influencer Badge

That's deep John McPhee shit -- you're getting all NYer / MFA in Poetry on me! Nice usage.