Sooooo earthy! Screams Rhone from the first sniff. Bramble fruit. Slight manure on an August afternoon. If you ever lived in Northford, CT this will conjure up some memories. Tart cranberries, currant component. Medium acidity and grippy peppery tannins. The horse manure does not translate to the palate. This is such an intricate wine that given the time to breathe with morph into something else drastically different than first smell.
Sooooo earthy! Screams Rhone from the first sniff. Bramble fruit. Slight manure on an August afternoon. If you ever lived in Northford, CT this will conjure up some memories. Tart cranberries, currant component. Medium acidity and grippy peppery tannins. The horse manure does not translate to the palate. This is such an intricate wine that given the time to breathe with morph into something else drastically different than first smell.
Apr 13th, 2018
Smokey meat and deep cherry on the nose. Notes of black licorice and plum, dark cherries, hint of chocolate. Nice!!
Smokey meat and deep cherry on the nose. Notes of black licorice and plum, dark cherries, hint of chocolate. Nice!!
Apr 18th, 2020