Rediscovered this great, reasonable wine after about a 7 or 8 year hiatus. Earthy supertuscan
Rediscovered this great, reasonable wine after about a 7 or 8 year hiatus. Earthy supertuscan
Jan 3rd, 2016
Vinho límpido, coloração granada, com taninos macios e acidez equilibrada. Médio corpo, aromas de café e especiarias. O álcool sobressai um pouco. Fim de boca com taninos macios. $ 55,00
Vinho límpido, coloração granada, com taninos macios e acidez equilibrada. Médio corpo, aromas de café e especiarias. O álcool sobressai um pouco. Fim de boca com taninos macios. $ 55,00
May 8th, 2015
Didn't take notes while drinking. remember enjoying but not blown away, hence the score. Better with food. CM was on the fence. 2013. $21
Didn't take notes while drinking. remember enjoying but not blown away, hence the score. Better with food. CM was on the fence. 2013. $21
Apr 17th, 2015