A little subdued for a Joguet. That being said, still has all of the cab franc character, chalky minerality, iron notes, rustic fruit and good acid.
A little subdued for a Joguet. That being said, still has all of the cab franc character, chalky minerality, iron notes, rustic fruit and good acid.
Jan 11th, 2018
Black cherry, raspberry, bramble berry, leather
Black cherry, raspberry, bramble berry, leather
Jan 11th, 2018
Perfumed Chinon wafting out of the glass - brisk on the palate with the right amount of tannins. Drank the '15 out of a 375. Perfect regular, casual half bottle.
Perfumed Chinon wafting out of the glass - brisk on the palate with the right amount of tannins. Drank the '15 out of a 375. Perfect regular, casual half bottle.
Mar 15th, 2019