Popped and poured; consumed over a five hour period. This bottle came from my cellar. Two immediate reactions were 1) the inside of the bottle looked like it had a patina of sediment coating the side it was laying on and 2) the fruit smelled stewed and overripe. However, it tasted nothing like that. Instead, it was much brighter with dark and red fruits, earth and baking spices with a hefty bit of acid lifting everything up. After about 90 minutes, the nose became much more vibrant with red rope licorice, oldleather and cedar chest. Close to the end of the bottle, this wine was showing it’s best but it was also beginning to show more structure with tannin and acid taking a more central role. Strange experience. Not sure what to make of the future for this. Wishing I had more clarity...and another bottle to see if these become something special with more age...or nothing special at all.
Popped and poured; consumed over a five hour period. This bottle came from my cellar. Two immediate reactions were 1) the inside of the bottle looked like it had a patina of sediment coating the side it was laying on and 2) the fruit smelled stewed and overripe. However, it tasted nothing like that. Instead, it was much brighter with dark and red fruits, earth and baking spices with a hefty bit of acid lifting everything up. After about 90 minutes, the nose became much more vibrant with red rope licorice, oldleather and cedar chest. Close to the end of the bottle, this wine was showing it’s best but it was also beginning to show more structure with tannin and acid taking a more central role. Strange experience. Not sure what to make of the future for this. Wishing I had more clarity...and another bottle to see if these become something special with more age...or nothing special at all.
1 person found it helpfulAug 20th, 2018