From a half-bottle. This was the pièce de résistance to our evening (although someone apparently opened a Gravner that I somehow missed). Anyway, the thing about d’Yquem is that you don’t have to love Sauternes to fall head over heels for it. This was liquid stars. The sheer density is out of this world. Loaded with tropical fruits, exotic honey, stone fruits and minerals. Gorgeously textured and brilliant acidity to make it all work. A forever finish. I don't know how a wine like this could ever die.
From a half-bottle. This was the pièce de résistance to our evening (although someone apparently opened a Gravner that I somehow missed). Anyway, the thing about d’Yquem is that you don’t have to love Sauternes to fall head over heels for it. This was liquid stars. The sheer density is out of this world. Loaded with tropical fruits, exotic honey, stone fruits and minerals. Gorgeously textured and brilliant acidity to make it all work. A forever finish. I don't know how a wine like this could ever die.
Jun 19th, 2023