Nariz: limon, algo de fruta tropical, piedra
Boca: Acidez M/M+, Alcohol M/M+. Algo de sabores de reducción.
Nariz: limon, algo de fruta tropical, piedra
Boca: Acidez M/M+, Alcohol M/M+. Algo de sabores de reducción.
Aug 10th, 2018Not terrible, but not tasty. Wouldn’t buy again.
Not terrible, but not tasty. Wouldn’t buy again.
Aug 1st, 2018Groc pàlid , fi i amb aromes florals , gust de fruites exòtiques amb mineralitat al final , que persisteix . Ris de veau a Émile.
Groc pàlid , fi i amb aromes florals , gust de fruites exòtiques amb mineralitat al final , que persisteix . Ris de veau a Émile.
Feb 26th, 2018Creamy citrus with a rad oak finish – a good study of a prototypical Pouilly-Fuissé Chardonnay. Paired with a few rounds of GoT-themed Clue. I poured out the last few drops as a sacrifice to the Football Gods hoping that miraculously both the Eagles and Patriots lose in the Super Bowl this weekend.
Creamy citrus with a rad oak finish – a good study of a prototypical Pouilly-Fuissé Chardonnay. Paired with a few rounds of GoT-themed Clue. I poured out the last few drops as a sacrifice to the Football Gods hoping that miraculously both the Eagles and Patriots lose in the Super Bowl this weekend.
Feb 3rd, 2018Jonas had this 5 years ago
Jonas had this 5 years ago
Jan 13th, 2020Jonas had this 6 years ago
Jonas had this 6 years ago
Nov 11th, 2018Natalee had this 6 years ago
Natalee had this 6 years ago
Aug 25th, 2018Neil had this 6 years ago
Neil had this 6 years ago
Aug 12th, 2018Christopher had this 6 years ago
Christopher had this 6 years ago
Jul 8th, 2018Mark had this 7 years ago
Mark had this 7 years ago
Jun 4th, 2018