Pretty damn dissapointing for a wine that should be impressing. Solid length, disjointed acidity and such a pale mouth feel. No richness. Big let down. Have had much better Corton Charlemagne
Pretty damn dissapointing for a wine that should be impressing. Solid length, disjointed acidity and such a pale mouth feel. No richness. Big let down. Have had much better Corton Charlemagne
Feb 26th, 2015
Opened fairly quickly. Initial toasted oak and brioche gave way to a lush pear and deep minerality. In the glass, it kept changing to richer and more expressive flavors. The finish was a long, tapering comet's tail of the midpalate. Like the gradual fade-out of your favorite song. I want more.
Opened fairly quickly. Initial toasted oak and brioche gave way to a lush pear and deep minerality. In the glass, it kept changing to richer and more expressive flavors. The finish was a long, tapering comet's tail of the midpalate. Like the gradual fade-out of your favorite song. I want more.
Apr 22nd, 2015