Delicious and juicy, simple ripe cherry syrup with a crunchy berry and mineral edge. Acid medium, tannin medium-low, but it feels in balance. Zero-zero, a bit of mouse on day 2 but not off-putting. Great deal at $16!
Delicious and juicy, simple ripe cherry syrup with a crunchy berry and mineral edge. Acid medium, tannin medium-low, but it feels in balance. Zero-zero, a bit of mouse on day 2 but not off-putting. Great deal at $16!
Jul 2nd, 2019
Очень физзи. Спелая клубника, земляника лубника, лилия, черешня, черника, лавр, йод.
Очень физзи. Спелая клубника, земляника лубника, лилия, черешня, черника, лавр, йод.
Jun 1st, 2017
Fresh, pure juice, incredibly light in its feet. Could mistake it for gamay.
Fresh, pure juice, incredibly light in its feet. Could mistake it for gamay.
Jan 6th, 2017