Youngish at sub 10 I suppose for a sav/chard under flor, but this is orgasmic. Worrying feeling ethat 2015 was a sub par year (cold? Wet?) And yet, here we are. Manzanilla salt lick at the end after a second or two is the party piece, apricots, smokey almonds, and all the usual Jura good things beneath. Was introduced to this by the sommelier in spanglais, with me deploying my most broken franglais. Miracles do happen.
Youngish at sub 10 I suppose for a sav/chard under flor, but this is orgasmic. Worrying feeling ethat 2015 was a sub par year (cold? Wet?) And yet, here we are. Manzanilla salt lick at the end after a second or two is the party piece, apricots, smokey almonds, and all the usual Jura good things beneath. Was introduced to this by the sommelier in spanglais, with me deploying my most broken franglais. Miracles do happen.
Aug 25th, 2021