Felsentürmchen Spätlese Riesling

Lovely wine in the typical Dönnhoff-style. Perfect balance in acidity and sweetness, very clean and bright, pure and juicy fruit, tiny pinch of Asian spice, dash of minerality, teaspoon of petrol. It's all there.
So, why the slightly indiscriminate score, you might ask?
Well, in my opinion, Dönnhoffs wines resemble the ideal son-in-law.... Attentive, friendly, homely, attractive, clever, intelligent, matches every occasion. And the wife adores 'em!
But in the end, it's lacking in personality, too easy, too neat, a tad shallow and predicable? Ah well, I think you get the picture... 🙂
Lovely wine in the typical Dönnhoff-style. Perfect balance in acidity and sweetness, very clean and bright, pure and juicy fruit, tiny pinch of Asian spice, dash of minerality, teaspoon of petrol. It's all there.
So, why the slightly indiscriminate score, you might ask?
Well, in my opinion, Dönnhoffs wines resemble the ideal son-in-law.... Attentive, friendly, homely, attractive, clever, intelligent, matches every occasion. And the wife adores 'em!
But in the end, it's lacking in personality, too easy, too neat, a tad shallow and predicable? Ah well, I think you get the picture... 🙂