Lengvas, subalansuotas, skanus, pigus, bet neispudingas.
Lengvas, subalansuotas, skanus, pigus, bet neispudingas.
Feb 20th, 2017
Vive le goût du cheap, sûrement pour cette raison qu'il fait le boire à 14 degrés, pour moins y goûter ! Le premier verre est bon, c'est tout.
Vive le goût du cheap, sûrement pour cette raison qu'il fait le boire à 14 degrés, pour moins y goûter ! Le premier verre est bon, c'est tout.
Nov 11th, 2016
Dry, balanced.
Nov 3rd, 2016
Apr 24th, 2013
Medium bodies with light dryness with small earthy aromas!
Medium bodies with light dryness with small earthy aromas!
Feb 27th, 2014
Utgick från att det var en Rioja, men kunde när jag smakade på det konstatera att så inte var fallet.
Utgick från att det var en Rioja, men kunde när jag smakade på det konstatera att så inte var fallet.
Jan 21st, 2014
Pretty darn good! And NOT at all pricey. An excellent find by the hubby.
Pretty darn good! And NOT at all pricey. An excellent find by the hubby.
May 31st, 2013
Unpleasant bouquet smelling of vinegar or alcohol. Sweet attack with berry tones. Full, rich evolution with a flavorful, alcoholic finish with berry tones.
Unpleasant bouquet smelling of vinegar or alcohol. Sweet attack with berry tones. Full, rich evolution with a flavorful, alcoholic finish with berry tones.
Feb 14th, 2013
Aria had this 12 years ago
Aria had this 12 years ago
May 16th, 2013
Harold had this 7 years ago
Harold had this 7 years ago
Aug 30th, 2018