Tropical on the nose, light and refreshing after a day in the gorgeous sun.
Tropical on the nose, light and refreshing after a day in the gorgeous sun.
Apr 27th, 2019
The second Sa whitey from the recent cheapo half case.
Chenin blanc with 20% of viognier.
14% abv 💪
Citrus Peel and pith, some flower blossom and hints of honey and some guava👃
Medium body.
Medium + acidity.
Mostly citrus and some tropics with viognier bitterness all along and some peppercorn.
Light and pleasent 🎯 biterness lingers for a few seconds and then it's all gone.
Quite satisfying simple dinner wine.
Good vfm (about 60 nis in variety bulk. But 75 on it's own)
Very drinkble but not exciting.
Paired well with spinach and cheese muffins and israely salad.
The second Sa whitey from the recent cheapo half case.
Chenin blanc with 20% of viognier.
14% abv 💪
Citrus Peel and pith, some flower blossom and hints of honey and some guava👃
Medium body.
Medium + acidity.
Mostly citrus and some tropics with viognier bitterness all along and some peppercorn.
Light and pleasent 🎯 biterness lingers for a few seconds and then it's all gone.
Quite satisfying simple dinner wine.
Good vfm (about 60 nis in variety bulk. But 75 on it's own)
Very drinkble but not exciting.
Paired well with spinach and cheese muffins and israely salad.
Mar 11th, 2019