Developing wine, good relation with price. Red fruits and medium intense make its not a heavy wine but with a quite recognized body for drinking
Developing wine, good relation with price. Red fruits and medium intense make its not a heavy wine but with a quite recognized body for drinking
Oct 5th, 2015
So rich! Plums and figs and port and peaty malt! Sweet touch yet dry mouth.
So rich! Plums and figs and port and peaty malt! Sweet touch yet dry mouth.
Jun 20th, 2015
Plommon, vanilj, mörka körsbär, dill och choklad
Plommon, vanilj, mörka körsbär, dill och choklad
Jun 9th, 2015
Nice to grilled meet
May 24th, 2015
Lite ung men funkar bra till gott kött. Kanske kan sparas något år
Lite ung men funkar bra till gott kött. Kanske kan sparas något år
May 8th, 2015
Barcelona with tapas. Terrific bottle.
Barcelona with tapas. Terrific bottle.
Feb 21st, 2015
Vino con cuerpo, intenso, el aroma no dice el sabor, para hacer un maritaje con carnes asadas o quesos bien curados.
Vino con cuerpo, intenso, el aroma no dice el sabor, para hacer un maritaje con carnes asadas o quesos bien curados.
Jan 6th, 2015
Great wine!!! Opens up with time!
Great wine!!! Opens up with time!
Nov 8th, 2014
Stefan had this 10 years ago
Stefan had this 10 years ago
May 4th, 2015
Alexis had this 10 years ago
Alexis had this 10 years ago
Apr 1st, 2015