Andrew Lampasone
Owner Wine Watch Selections
This wine wasted for mom Cabernet Sauvignon based
Rosé of Cabernet
Natalie Ridsdale
A Rose that's practically a light red. Yum!
Catie Monks
A bit sweet. Not a red wine drinkers rose' at all
Paul Horn
Damn good rose. According to Michael Mondavi, "Rose on the rocks, rocks, baby!"
Jenn Tucker
Interesting Rose. Although a bit on the sweet side the Cabernet help with the body. Great on a warm spring day.
Madelinn Gomez
The taste was similar to a Zin or Pinot
Karla A Viteri
Delicious dark rose. Very sweet but quite lovely.
Patricia Novo, CSW
Wow I've had Pinots that were lighter in color!!! This is a big boy rose suited for grilled steak!
Jen Morris
This is a wonderful rose. Hearty and delicious. Will stand up to almost any meal. My summertime favorite!