Karim Vionnet

Spéciale Beaujolais-Villages Gamay

9.05 ratings
-no pro ratings
Beaujolais, Burgundy, France
Chicken, Game, Turkey, Duck, Goose
Top Notes For
Candice Lang

Enjoyed with a wide variety of tapas. We were hesitant, but it worked well with our oysters too.

Enjoyed with a wide variety of tapas. We were hesitant, but it worked well with our oysters too.

Dec 6th, 2015
Michelle DeMason

Had it twice in France - absolutely loved it with dinner

Had it twice in France - absolutely loved it with dinner

Sep 10th, 2015
Alex Ravenel

Very complex for a Villages. Long finish, great acidity. Well structured, some leathery notes. Excellent QPR.

Very complex for a Villages. Long finish, great acidity. Well structured, some leathery notes. Excellent QPR.

Jan 4th, 2014
Casey Schneider-Mizell

Casey had this 10 years ago

Casey had this 10 years ago

Jul 25th, 2014
Casey Schneider-Mizell

Casey had this 11 years ago

Casey had this 11 years ago

Jun 16th, 2014